Search / No listings found which match your selection.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 126

    This is

    I’ve attached a screen shot that will explain my questions a little better. The numbers on the screen shot correspond to my questions numbered below.

    1: Can you clarify what fields the search by is searching?
    2: Can you explain what criteria the near is using? Is it searching literal text strings from the city, region, country fields or is it somehow more or less intelligent?
    3. Also, is the customize “by distance” search related to the near field. It seems that it would need to be to have a reference to the starting center point.

    Also, Is it possible to replace the default “No listings found which match your selection.” text with something more helpful , possibly instructions on how to perform a good search?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    The search for search for title / category / tag
    The near field queries the google maps API to get lat and long of the place entered.
    The near field is realted to the proximity results as it orders places by distance from the place entered.

    The text can be changed via translation files like any other default text of the plugin.

    There are several posts in the forum explaining how to modify text via translation file and in the documentation site (still under construction) that section is complete.


    Free User
    Post count: 126



    So, I would like to clarify,

    Search for looks at title, category and tag.
    near field looks at google api so for example, if I search for Miami it will connect to the API and see if I have anything close to Miami? If so, how close? Also, if the search for field is left blank, and Miami is entered what would come up if, for example I had a location listed in Ft. Lauderdale which is about 40 miles away.
    And finally sorry but I didn’t understand your explanation of the proximity. Can you explain that one again and clarify the other 2?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    The near field will look for Miami if whoever is searching is on the Everywhere location only.

    If they have selected Los Angeles and they search for Miami it will not work.

    When they are on a city level, they can search for ZIP or address or POI in that city only.

    We have various requests to fine tune this part so expect improvements in the future on this part.

    So if you are in Everywhere location and you search for Miami and you have places in fort lauderdale, it would show all places ordered by distance, so all places in fort lauderdale would come up 1st.

    Proximity search means that in the result you see the distance from the selected location (near field).

    Hope this makes it clear.



    Free User
    Post count: 126
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    did you use states as tags?


    Free User
    Post count: 126



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    In that case it should work…

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