Search page not showing in full

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  • #508424

    Carl Barton
    Full Member
    Post count: 45

    My search page for some reason on occupies half of the page. The screenshot shows what should be a 2 column full page, but as you can see it is forcing it all onto one side of the page.

    Also the category filter on the map is too compressed and overflowing to next line. This doesnt change regardless of the size of map, however it looks fine on the sticky option.
    And one more thing, the little Street view ‘man’ icon is only showing up on the sticky option too.

    Thankyou you in advance.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please share a link to the page(s) so we can take a look at the issue. Also share WP Admin if we need to check the settings.



    Carl Barton
    Full Member
    Post count: 45
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Naveen Giri
    Post count: 1559

    Hi Carl,

    I see the issue when full width template is selected in theme option. it is not reflecting it in frontend.
    also noticed the street view man icon issue. which seems because of css.
    i checked backend settings. havnt noticed anything specific.

    please share ftp in private reply so we can check few things in code.



    Carl Barton
    Full Member
    Post count: 45
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 7069

    Hi Carl,

    The search page layout is conflict with GeoDirectory search template.
    Please add following PHP code snippet to fix it. Please update GeoDirectory plugins to recent version as well.

     * Jarida theme search page sidebar fix.
    function gd_snippet_190920_jarida_init() {
    	if ( ! is_admin() && geodir_is_page( 'search' ) ) {
    		$search_page_id = geodir_search_page_id();
    		if ( $sidebar_pos = get_post_meta( $search_page_id, 'tie_sidebar_pos', true ) ) {
    			$sidebar = '';
    			if( $sidebar_pos == 'left' || ( tie_get_option( 'columns_num' ) == '2c' && $sidebar_pos == 'nright' )) $sidebar = ' sidebar-left';
    			elseif( $sidebar_pos == 'full' ) $sidebar = ' full-width';
    			elseif( $sidebar_pos == 'right' || ( tie_get_option( 'columns_num' ) == '2c' && $sidebar_pos == 'nleft' )) $sidebar = ' sidebar-right';
    			elseif( $sidebar_pos == 'nright' ) $sidebar = ' sidebar-narrow-right';
    			elseif( $sidebar_pos == 'nleft' ) $sidebar = ' sidebar-narrow-left';
    			if ( $sidebar ) {
    				wp_add_inline_script( 'geodir', "jQuery(function(){jQuery('#main-content').addClass('" . $sidebar . "');});" );
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'gd_snippet_190920_jarida_init', 100 );


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