Hi Guust, CC Kathy, this is Matthew the programmer for the site. Apparently Kathy had a misunderstanding of how the search works in this thread which I would like to clear up. The location selections drop down was working but the location suggestions with the colored city, region, etc. was specifically turned off as part of the design which Kathy approved. Indeed, the material that you initially provided in the documentation was quite useful and it what I have been working from, though the site is not 100% configured, but I think Kathy is still a little unclear as to how the search works. One of the reasons that she is not seeing certain areas is the search radius is small, which I intend to increase, especially since Montana is a sparse state. In addition, I intend to import some more location data to make the search more efficient, but I have been having some troubles getting the CSV in the proper format, which I have started working on based upon the sample that Geodirectory provides, so I will let you know if there’s any issue there. Regarding the colored region, ,city, selections being displayed, I will discuss with Kathy. I’ll do a little tutoring with Kathy and we’ll let you know if there continues to be any further issue.
Thanks so much for your help and patience!