Search Results pages and breadcrumbs

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #479613

    Post count: 114

    I want to show featured listings first on all results pages whether that be navigated to by a link or map or search

    i can do the order by filter on normal pages but it seems the search results page works differently.

    how do i apply ordering to search results pages just featured first as i understand people will want to see their search results also. but if i have a paying customer that doesnt show up first when someone searches for their town then thats not gonna good for me

    The breadcrumbs on a gd detail page now link back to tag archives. how do i reset this to V1 style where it links to the location pages. country > region > city > listing



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Featured first –

    GD Sorting options only apply to archive pages. Search results do not have GD sorting options, so you will need a 3rd party plugin or a customization that is outside support.

    Please provide more information about the breadcrumbs issue. What breadcrumbs are you using? GD does not include breadcrumbs, but should work with theme implementations that use breadcrumbs ‘the WP way’.


    Post count: 114


    Featured, ok understood. are there any hooks in advanced search plugin to control how it behaves in certain situations?

    I was using navxt breadcrumbs. I have replaced it with Yoast breadcrumbs now on GD pages and it is showing the correct breadcrumb titles. however the links dont go to the correct pages.

    it seems the location pages are based off the permalink of the GD homepage

    where as the breadcrumb is using the CPT and is also adding on the path twice.

    Is there a piece of code or something that controls the output of this? i noticed in some other breadcrumb related support requests you had replied with a private reply which the user thanked you for. is there a way to make this work with Yoast until you re release the GD breadcrumbs which we were using that worked the best previously.


    Post count: 114

    For anyone interested you can get a workaround by including a featured listings only shortcode at the top of the search page

    [gd_listings title=”Featured” post_type=”gd_place” sort_by=”featured_desc” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onethird” post_limit=”6″ add_location_filter=”1″ show_featured_only=”1″ hide_if_empty=”1″ with_pagination=”1″ top_pagination=”1″ bottom_pagination=”1″]

    that seems to pull through the location correctly and show the featured listings only which is great. they are mentioned again int he list below but thats basically good enough for me.

    just the breadcrumbs to sort now.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    We plan to update the Yoast breadcrumb integration, it is on the list of improvements, but no timeline yet.


    Post count: 114

    ok. is there any breadcrumb solution in the meantime?

    As we have a lot of locations being a worldwide directory with no restrictions its not simple to link each of the locations in a sensible way.

    As such the breadcrumbs are essentially the only links for google to find to some of the location pages.

    other than the sitemap but that currently stands at several hundred thousand URL’s which means Google doesnt visit all of them either.

    Could you point me to the file which deals with it ? i can have my developer look at it ?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Post count: 114

    thats great thanks.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    You’re welcome

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