"Send Enquiry" Function is not working properly

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  crazyadmin 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 16

    Hello, I had not tested this function yet, but got an admin BCC on an inquiry sent to one of my listings. I noticed that the inquiry did not include the person’s email address so the business who received the inquiry did not know how to reach them. As I started to look into it I found a few things I hope you can help with.

    1) The email field has validation for common TLDs, but does not support someone from a newer TLD. For example I have a user that has a domain of mayangarden.club . With this domain they are unable to enter their email into the enquiry box and send an inquiry as the validation says his email is invalid.

    2) The default comments in the Comments box do not fit my site. How can I edit (or remove) the default Comments which currently say “Hi there, I would like to enquire about this place. I would like to ask more info about…”

    3) I cannot find a way to get the email address of the person making the enquiry into the form that is sent to the business listing. I tried using [#user_email#], but then that just prints in the final message. You can see in my attachments the template used and the result.

    4) The GD editor Email enquiry template does not appear to enter carriage returns when I enter a new line. The result is a munged together email that looks pretty bad. As with the previous point you can see the template I used and the result that comes through in Outlook.


    Post count: 29970

    1. Are you using the latest versions? I thought this was fixed.

    2. Translation file for the core plugin

    3. The email address from the sender is the reply email of the email message sent.
    So if you reply to the email sent by the system, you’ll see it goes to the email address of the enquirer.

    4. Enable the advanced editor at GD > notifications > options
    Then make sure your email has either paragraphs or linebreaks.


    Free User
    Post count: 16

    I just updated everything a week ago, but today I see an update for GD 1.3.6. I just ran that now.

    1) The update solved the email format issue

    2) Thank you, i will look at the translation file

    3) Ahh, I see now when I reply that it goes to the sender. I am used to seeing an additional “reply to” address in the From section of the email. When reading the email it appears as if I would be replying to my site until I actually hit reply. Is there a shortcode or anything that I can use to include the email address (of the enquirer) in the body of the email or as part of the [#comments#] block?

    4) Thanks, I forgot about the visual editor. I added <br> tags and cleaned it up.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    3) sorry no there is not.



    Free User
    Post count: 16

    OK, thanks. I will clarify the body text so people know they can just reply to reach the inquirer.

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