Setting downgrade pack

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 5 years ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Hi, I have a CPT with 2 active packs

    Pack 1- 6 months, recurring forever; Free; Has updgrade: Y
    Pack 2 – 3 months, non-recurring, Free; Has updgrade : N

    I want to have Pack 2 set on expiry to Pack 1 – but only the option “Expire” shows in the “Downgrade to:” selector.
    For Pack 1 the selector does show “Pack2” in the downgrade to option.

    How do i downgrade the Pack2 on expiry to Pack1, please?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    That is not possible because downgrades (on expiry) must be non-recurring and free.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Thanks, Alex- i was aware the downgrades needed to be free, but was not sure about non-recurring.

    So now if i make change PACK 1 to non-recurring, then i will be able to set Pack 2 as downgrade to PACK 1.

    But then will the existing listings in PACK 1 still expire after 6 months,or will they become non-recurring?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    I know that it will be based on the package settings at the time the package was applied. I will ask the developers if they can clarify what will happen since you want to re-apply those settings now with a different downgrade option.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Thanks, Alex- I shall await the developers suggestion.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Vivek,

    I recommend to don’t change package settings if there are active listings running under it. Changing package settings may results in unexpected results.

    Expiry feature works differently for recurring listings & non-recurring listings.
    For recurring listings expire/downgrade triggered only when it receives notification about cancel/complete subscription from gateway site. So here expire date does not have any effect when expire check function triggered.
    For non-recurring listings expire check function immediately expire/downgrade listings if it founds expire date older then today.

    If you mark PACK 1 to non-recurring then expire check function may expire/downgrade listings running with PACK 1 & has older expire date.
    If you want to mark PACK 1 to non-recurring then make sure all listings active under this package has correct expire date set.

    Let us know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Ok, thanks for the reply, Kiran

    I just want to clarify that my PACK1 currently is recurring – 6 months, but as it is FREE, i have not yet added a payment gateway.

    Secondly, if i do make the change and check the expiry date as you suggest and find that these are messed up then can i import the correct expiry dates using the GD Import/Export from CSV in case of issue?

    Anyway if i make it non-recurrnng the expiry should be never, so i will need to change the expiry date from the current 6m to never- so can i do that thru import?



    Post count: 7069

    Recurring packages must be managed with payment gateway because expiry for this listings handled with IPN notifications from gateway. If you make it free then listings will never expire as it will never receive any notification about cancel subscription or renew subscription or completion of subscription.

    Yes you can use import feature to set expire date for those listings. You can set expire date = never to set it unlimited or any future date so it will expire on when that date becomes past.

    Let us know.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Understood. So if i change a pack with existing listings to unlimited, then i need to DELETE the expiry date of the existing listings. TO do that from import utility, i just need to make expiry date blank? What is the effect of blank in Import- does it mean delete contents, or does it mean leave unchanged?


    Post count: 7069

    i just need to make expiry date blank?

    To set unlimited set it to blank.

    What is the effect of blank in Import- does it mean delete contents, or does it mean leave unchanged?

    Import blank value will save blank value for that field.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Tried that – the blank expiry date changes to 0000-00-00 when exported again- is that ok? – meaning same as never expires?

    thanks, Vivek


    Post count: 7069
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