setup problems

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  drashida 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Hello Guust,

    I really like the plugin. But I cannot get it setup.

    GD is not my homepage. I would like a site like the Demo on the GD website.

    1. How do I add a static item to my menu called, Program & Schools. Then I would like to add listings under that. They are called: Arts Programs, Theater Programs, Dance Programs, Music Programs.

    I have tried to add the listings under Add listing on the front end but instead of allowing me to see the preview – it returns my site’s homepage.

    Help. I cannot figure out the simplest thing.

    2. What would be really helpful is a step-by-step tutorial on how to configure the basic GD plugin (as a plugin – not a theme). The places and listings is very confusing. It seems that Listings is a category but that is not stated clearly anywhere. It seems that there is only a front-end entry for listings. Is that correct? Are my users able to create Listings? Can that be turned off? How does one associate a place with a Listing? I only see the category designation.

    I have purchased all of the add-ons but have no idea how they work together. You did a wonderful overview for “Getting Started Conceptually” but I needed more information.



    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    Hi Dara
    1. I guess Programs & Shools is your (renamed) custom post type.
    2. I guess the different programs are the categories of that custom post type.
    3. You can ony add custom npost types to the menu using GD navigation, for categories you need to use the WP built-in capabilities.
    4. GD is a plugin, not a theme. But you can use the GD framework as a theme.
    5. Users can create listings, and if you remove all of the Add options, they will not be able to add listings.
    6. Pages referred to as Listings pages are psges thst show listings in a category. A Detail page hss only one listing.
    7. Further documentation is on its way, for now follow the docs link in the footer and the addon descriptions from the addon menu above.

    Hope this helps for now, happy to help further if you get stuck.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Hi Guust,

    1. I guess Programs & Shools is your (renamed) custom post type.
    No, I renamed the Locations page as Programs and Schools. There was nothing on the listings page and I am unsure how to make a listing category.

    2. Which brings me to next question:
    “Users can create listings, and if you remove all of the Add options, they will not be able to add listings.”

    If this is the case, how does the admin create a listing category?

    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    Please only set posts with private data as private, that way others can learn from our discussion.
    You should not rename the locations page that is a virtual template used to create all locatin pages.
    If you have the custom type addon, you can rename Place to whatever you like.
    Then you can create categories in the Place settings from the WP admin.
    Admin can always create a listing from Place Setting > Add new.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 129

    Ok. I will try that. Thank you.

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