Should be simple…editing the page (template) for the single listing
This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Pradhan Balter 4 years, 10 months ago.
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April 26, 2020 at 3:24 pm #542655
Hello, and thanks again for your help.
I confess to have reached a point of frustration. I am using
GeoDirectory with Listimia and whenever there are 2 sources, its
difficult to determine who to approach for problem resolution or help.
Please know that I am somewhat technical savvy. Also, since I used to
provide tech support (and wrote the largest selling training manuals) for CorelDRAW, before I ever write for help, I try as hard as I can to find the solutions. And now I have reached a point of utter frustration.One problem is in structure. This is the first time I have ever
encountered pages being built by Widgets.(Is this Listimia or GD?) Perhaps this is a common and current trend, but I haven’t experienced it (maybe its very common, I
don’t know). At any rate, the documentation for building pages should be
much more self-evident. Frankly, Listimia’s documentation is far better than
GeoDirectory’s own. (sorry)Now I have spent hours looking for where to edit the template that
renders the Place post. GeoDirectory says its easy. Just place in the
appropriate page shortcodes. (That’s one of their selling points per the promotion video). Well, I find no page that represents this page. So I think, “let me check the widgets. There is a Listing Details widget one would think might have some effect.” Nope, not there either. Between Listimia and GD, there are so many templates that call different content, its impossible to tell where to look.The problem specifically is that the map appears in 3 places on the page. The one in the sidebar I figured out, but the 2 on the content of the page I have no idea where that is spec’d or edited.
I am not stupid, in fact, I am pretty clever at figuring out stuff, and
maybe the answer is right there in front of me, but I can’t find it. GD’s documentation makes reference to some Tabs in settings. I don’t see such a setting.So, can GD direct me as to where and how to edit the Places
template that actually renders the page?And on a personal note, tell me I didn’t make a mistake by choosing this
combination as opposed to simply building my own using Toolset which I
could have done.Sorry, if I sound grumpy, but like I said, frustration has set in.
April 26, 2020 at 5:46 pm #542661Hi Pradhan,
Thanks for your post. I’ll try to answer your questions in points.
1. to edit the template that renders the Place post – You can refer to this section of the documentation that explains about this
2. The problem specifically is that the map appears in 3 places on the page. – Could you please share the URL of the page in question so that we could check on it?
3. GD direct me as to where and how to edit the Places
template that actually renders the page – You can refer to #1April 26, 2020 at 7:52 pm #542674Hi Kor, thanks for your prompt response. I hope you weren’t offended by my “frustrated” comment. It takes a lot to get me there…
Okay… the URL is
You’ll see there are 2 maps in the content area at the top and bottom. All place posts demonstrate this so it is definitely template based. This is using sample data, of course. The side bar map control is definitely in the Widgets.
I can give you credentials if you want to get into the backend.
Finally, part 3 below referred to the reference of Go to Tabs in the documentation. I have no such Tabs in my install.
April 27, 2020 at 5:26 am #542714We need to check the settings; please share credentials in a private reply AND a link to the WP Backend edit page for the GD Details template so we know where to look.
WordPress Credentials
WP Admin Login URL:
WP Admin Username:
WP Admin Password:April 27, 2020 at 11:27 am #542790Hi Alex,
Now that I have found where the Tabs are spec’d, I see the source of the double Map.
The Map is first spec’d as part of the Profile [post_content (meta)] shortcode, and then is listed separately below it. (See attached image). So, removing the second incident of the map is now easy. Problem is, I don’t want it in either place, preferring to locate it in the Sidebar.So the next question is, where is the Profile [post_content (meta)] defined? Can it be modified? Alternatively, can the map here be not shown via CSS property. Or does the Detail page simply need to be rebuilt manually to exclude the map?
Thanks for your help.
PradhanApril 27, 2020 at 5:15 pm #542885The post_content field is the description field in every listing (and WP Page/Post).
The map tab can be removed. Just open it in the Tabs UI and click remove.
More than this is hard to say without seeing the settings.
April 27, 2020 at 6:43 pm #542908Hi Alex, thanks again. In my first post, I mentioned that I really try to figure out things myself because I learn that way. It turns out that there is a designated widget space (the Listings Detail) at the TOP of the Detail page. That was populated by various things. (I don’t know if that is GD or Listimia who does that.). Once I removed all of those widgets in that space, for the first time, the only thing that appeared there was the Tabs list. This accounts for why everyone kept pointing me to the tab list and it just didn’t match up.
So, I want to say, I genuinely appreciate you and GD’s willingness to dig in and see what’s going on.
I am good now.
Thanks again,
Pradhan -
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