Show only selected price packages in the listing form

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    Free User
    Post count: 61

    Hi GD!

    Recently, I had asked you how to remove the price packages from the listing form so that my customers do not see the entire list which includes Free Premium packages that I created for giveaways and contest winners. Otherwise, everyone would want the free premium packages!

    You gave me this CSS code:
    .geodir_price_package_row {display:none}
    which works perfectly.

    However, I now realize that if someone needed to renew or upgrade their listing using the ‘Upgrade Listing’ feature, they are unable to because I took the options away — Duh!
    I just discovered this as a premium test listing I have reverted to a free (lower grade) listing.

    Is it possible to code to show only selected price packages in the form?
    For instance, show only Package IDs 1, 7, 8 and 10?

    One of these days, I’ll get this right. 🙂
    Thanks so much for your assistance!
    Cheers, Kris


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