sidebar in 2014 hides GD content

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    I am trying to use gd plugin on the wp2014 theme and the gd pages populate “behind” the left wp sidebar. Is gd not compatible with 2014 or is there an easy setting I can make/change for the pages so that nothing is blocked by the sidebar? The only exception is the google map. It populates “over” the sidebar.

    I tried to use the full width template on the gd pages and this did not change things. The full width option is only available on the dashboard page list, not the individual page creation window, so I a guessing it is not coded to apply to the gd pages.

    I am trying to learn your plugin and originally tried to set up a full blown theme, buddypress, multisite, directory, but had to abandon it due to godaddy’s php version offering 5. I really just need the plugin and addons and if I am not using your theme, I want to try to stick with 2014, but as mentioned above, this has its own issues.

    If you can’t recommend an easy fix to use 2014, can you tell me if there is a basic wp authored theme that is compatible with gd. I am not ready to pay for the additional hosting services to get the upgraded php version until I can play around with your plugin and determine if it in fact does what I hope.

    Please advise.


    Post count: 29970

    2014 is not the best theme because of that WP sidebar. 2012 and 2013 works just fine, and 2012 is probably the simplest to see how things work. 2015 has a sidebar too, but it is simpler to adjust.
    If we need to have a look at anything, you can send us your URL and WP admin details in a private reply.
    GD pages are “designed” using sections and widgets. Have a look here:

    WP recommends PHP 5.6:

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