Hi Kiran, I have another nearly identical site which is also V2 and where both maps work perfectly together. And in V1 on this site both worked together perfectly too.
But anyway, I’ve tried different combinations and removed different maps etc. and the issue seems to be that the maps will not work when set to sticky whether there is one map on the page or two.
The sidebar widget map when set to sticky, whether it’s the only map on the page or not, doesn’t work (about 90% of the time now).
And when the main map from the archive page is set to sticky=’true’, again whether it’s the only map on the page or not, it also doesn’t work about 90% of the time.
When not set to sticky both maps work fine, by themselves or together.
Strangely enough the issue only relates to the archive and search pages. It works fine on the location pages because they use map_type=’directory’ and changing the archive page map to map_type=’directory’ will allow the maps to work but of course I can’t do that for individual category pages because it shows all the categories and not just the one required.
Hope that makes sense!