Site broken since updates

This topic contains 18 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #41934

    Post count: 87

    I updated all plugins on my testing copy, with geodirectory updated first. The testing copy was working correctly prior to updates.

    Since updates, I have the following issues:
    – tapping on Search does nothing
    – Near compass to geolocate is now missing
    – in the business listings, pinpoint no longer works.
    – in detailed listings, map tab just spins, and the listing images aren’t loading

    I am using X Theme.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    please provide a link and credentials and we will have a look.

    I can’t recreate any of these on my test website.



    Post count: 87
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    have you tried clearing GD Booster’s cache?

    Let us know,



    Post count: 87

    Cleared cache but still have all the same problems.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    there is a JS bug that we found today that could be the culprit. The developers are working on it and we will release a patch of the advance search add-on asap.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Post count: 75

    How will you let us know how to fix this?

    This is really bad for my project now… I´ve just launched the website!



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi, while we fix it, you can always downgrade to previous version.

    You should also have a staging website yo test any updates before pushing them into your live website.

    Thank you


    Post count: 75

    You´re right. Some times we trust blindly…

    I made the downgrade of the core GD plugin, but the problem persists. Do I have to do it with other plugins?

    Where do I find old version of all plugins?



    Post count: 87

    Yes Paolo. I always upgrade first on a testing site because if I did on my live site and I had serious issues, it could literally destroy my business. I also know it is impossible to find all errors upon initial launch due to the extensive amount of code involved in WpGeodirectory and all the other plugins that go with it. And I appreciate that you guys seem to get right on the issues. I look forward to the fix, because the new google analytics will be a positive for promoting my directroy



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    today we release update of Advance Search, Social Importer and Events Add-on, which should fix all problems created by latest releases.

    We are terribly sorry about all problems that came up with this last batch of releases. We have found what caused it and we are putting in place procedures to avoid them in the future.

    Because all concerned files where js scripts, make sure to clear your browser and server cache (if using a server cache).

    Let us know if you find anything else that we missed.



    Post count: 75

    Hey Paolo.

    It seems to work now. Ufff!…what a relief!

    Let me check well, but it seem´s to be working now.

    Thanks, man.


    Post count: 87

    Seems to be working with one exception. When I click on an icon within a map, I get a popup box that simply says “error”. I’m going to go ahead and wipe this staging copy and create a new one and update from scratch and see if I still have the issues. I will let you know later today.


    Post count: 87

    Can you take another look at my staging site and check the issue above to see if you can recreate it? I recreated the testing copy and updated with all plugins. Again, when I click an icon in a map, the small business info window pops up, and the little arrows start spinning, but a another pop up window from the browser pops up and says “error”. I’ve attached a screenshot of the issue.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    As Simone said in another topic the server is returning an ajax error…


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