Some Entries not showing in searches

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  mellowbird 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 5


    Hope you can help with this. I have a number of GeoDirectroy Places that are not showing up in search results. If I search for a specific entry by name it shows up. Any thoughts on why this would happen?

    Thank you!


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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    they don’t show up when you search for what exactly?

    Could youi please provide a URL of a search query where you would expect to see a particular listing and it is not showing up?

    Thank you


    Post count: 29970

    I guess the sunflower Shool is not within the search area set, so if the Sunflower School is not within the 40 mile search area, it will not show up in the a search NEAR the centre of the city.
    The search you are using is a “NEAR the centre of the city” search, not an search “IN the city”; you need to use the location switcher for that which you have on the /location/ page.
    A 40 mile search area only has a radius of about 6 miles, so adjust that setting if you like.


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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I’m not 100% sure this is the problem but you are using GD code 1.4.9 (1 version behind) and advance search filter 1.1.4 (11 versions behind).

    If you decide stop updating the add-ons you must also stop updating the core plugin. To be 100% sure to avoid any other confilict you shouldn’t update wordpress or any other plugin too.

    To make an anology, it’s like trying to install Excel for Windows XP on Windows 10. It will not work.

    I’d suggest to update both the core plugin and all add-ons to the latest version released.


    p.s. As an expired member you have right to support for websites using the core plugin only.


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    Post count: 31206


    the way the search form has been customized, doesn’t allow for the sessions to be set for the correct location.

    If you check the last part of the URL (sgeo_lat=15.6696283&sgeo_lon=-87.1422895), you will notice that for Google Maps atlántida is a place in Honduras :'10.7%22N+87%C2%B008'32.2%22W/@15.6696283,-87.1422895,7z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x0?hl=en&hl=en



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