Some issues with Event add on

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  • #385651

    Post count: 87

    Hi Geodirectory team,

    I’m currently working on a new feature on my website and event is a great option to do it:

    The members will have the possibility to list kitesurfing travel projects and looking for travel buddies

    It’s going to be very simple :

    Add a title, describing the travel project, indicate a position on the map where the trip will be, add the range of date it could be organise and done !

    Here are my issues :

    1- In the add listing form, date selector doesn’t appear and I can’t figure out why (as the site is online it’s very hard now to uninstall the plugins to see if there is a conflict so I haven’t done it yet…)

    2- I have created a specific page for this CPT and I would like to have a map like GD MAP HOME PAGE showing the event CTP by default (have to stay the places by default on my “normal GD MAP HOME”)

    3- On this CPT I don’t want users able to add photos, in the price package I set 0 pictures allowed and it works as expected. But In the search result, the default picture still appear.
    Is it possible to hide the pictures in the result only for this CTP ? If not I will create a specific default image but it’s a big waste of space…

    4- On this CTP, I have disabled comments because I don’t want to moderate it, so members will have to contact the admin by private messages

    a) even if comment are disabled, in the listing result there is still the “0 comments ligne”
    I think if comments are not allowed it shouldn’t appear as it will never have comments…

    b) in the sidebar of these listings I would like to add : [See the “admin”‘s profile] and [send a private message to “admin”]. Is there some existing shortcodes for that (or another easyway to create it ?

    Thanks in advance 🙂



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