Some problem with meta title & meta description

This topic contains 27 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I use WP Seo by Yoast, demo here

    – Meta title “Restaurants in Quận Tân Bình, TPHCM, Vietnam with category Restaurants” ==> how to remove auto generate these words “with category Reataurants”

    – Meta description”Posts related to Category: Restaurants. Use description of default for all Quận Tân Bình” ==> how to remove auto generate these words “Posts related to Category: Restaurants”, and how to set %location% include city, state, country

    – Meta keyword “food nightlife, restaurants, buddakan” ==> how to remove these keyword, i want use my custom keyword

    – I see and the same, i just want use places, how to remove location, have any problem when remove it?


    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    – for the title, have you checked this page: yourdomain/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpseo_titles#top#taxonomies

    or check in Place Categories, then edit Restaurants, and at the bottom you will find the fields to edit

    – same for the meta description

    – about the meta keywords, you can enter in each page you want and edit the keywords expanding the YOAST box (be sure to enable the box clicking on Screen Options, at the very top of the page, while editing.

    – while in /places you will see all the listings for that post type (in this case Places)


    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I did this way, this will generate 2 meta description, 2 meta keyword. You can see in my demo site above. and meta title can’t remove auto generate


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You can’t remove the location page. The system will not work without the virtual pages. In addition location and places pages are not the same.

    Normal GD titles would be “Restaurants in Quận Tân Bình, TPHCM, Vietnam >> site name”

    I don’t think is GD generating that in Category Restaurnats at the end.



    Free User
    Post count: 64
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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Stiofan is looking into it. Apparently there is a wee bug.

    Thx for spotting this.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    this should be solved.

    Let us know,



    Free User
    Post count: 64

    still have problem here
    – Meta Description: “Posts related to Category: Restaurants” how to remove it
    – Meta keyword” “food nightlife, restaurants, buddakan” how to remove it
    – Meta H1: “All Places in ‘Restaurants’”(it nothing with seo) should be “Restaurants in %location%” but meta %location% not full location include city, state, country.

    I want remove all meta title, meta description, meta keyword auto generated by GD. Because i use wp seo by yoast, this’s great plugin for seo. But i need 1 variation for location to use for wp seo by yoast. Ex: you can setting %%location%% include city, state, country. I can use it anywhere i want

    Also add these features to gd_tags. tags also important for seo if i know use it.



    Site Admin
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    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I want to use meta keywords, but this is auto generation by GD “categories, title” you can view source and looking for, this not auto generation by yoast.

    I agree “Yoast SEO will not be able to let you add a different description for each location”. But yoast have a feature variable, you can make a variable include city, state, country use for yoast. Ex you set this variable is %%location%% then i will set for yoast is
    – Meta title: %%pt_plural%% in %%location%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%
    – Meta description: blah blah %%pt_plural%% in %%location%% blah blah
    – Meta keyword: %%pt_plural%%, %%location%%

    I want use yoast because it have feature auto generation for all gd_categories, gd_tags, gd_eventcategories, gd_eventtags, gd_places. it will auto generation exactly i need. If a site have too many gd_categories, gd_tags, gd_places you can’t setting meta title, meta description, meta keyword for each gd_categories, gd_tags, gd_places then feature yoast auto generation very helpful

    If you set meta description in here you must set meta %location% include city, state, country and add meta title, meta keyword in here for easy custom then i will disable yoast for gd_categories

    Ex: in this case if have meta title, meta description, meta keyword in gd_categories. I will set
    – Meta title: Restaurants in %location%
    – Meta desciption: blah blah blah blah restaurants in %location% blah blah
    – Meta keyword: restaurants, %location%

    If you do this you must also add these features for gd_tags, gd_eventtags to custom like gd_categories. This will be make you lost more times than add variation for yoast. just add one variable for yoast you can use anywhere you need


    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I accept any problem with design but i will don’t accept any problem with onpage seo. Because design i can repair anytime i want, but onpage seo very important because offpage seo based on onpage seo and i can’t modify any link google indexed. i need google index right meta title, meta description for my offpage seo. As you say you never out of top 5 keyword you focused, you will understand i talking here.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Free User
    Post count: 64
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    Free User
    Post count: 64

    I hope this will be fix soon, i can’t continue build content for my site because google index not exact meta title & meta description, meta keyword.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I have accepted u on skype.


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