Some problems with core plugin version 1.1.3

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    Ronald Brink
    Free User
    Post count: 40

    I have installed the GD core plugin 1.1.3 as well as the Location Manager 1.0.5 in a newly WordPress site. I did also inserted all the (30) sample data onto the default location. Everything looks right, but I discovered two problems :

    1) The settings to show the listing content view as a multicolumn grid do not seem to work.
    2) When deactivating/deleting the plugins there is data left in the standard WordPress database tables, which (in my opinion) obstruct the insertion of sample data once the plugins are reinstalled again.

    Are these known bugs ?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hello Ronald,

    #1 is a bug caused by a new feature, we will be releasing a version today to fix this, (about 4-5 hours)

    #2 what tables are left? There should be options to delete all tables when removing the plugin.




    Ronald Brink
    Free User
    Post count: 40

    Hi Stofian, #2 The GD tables themselves are correctly removed after deinstalling the plugin, however for example the wp_options table (but I think other ones as well) still do have table entries related to GD. I guess this stuff is obstructing the reinstallation of sample data when reinstalling the plugin.

    I do look forward to the new release today in solving problem #1.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Thanks Ronald,

    I will flag this for vikas, he wrote the uninstall functions.



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    When u delete a plugin it asks u to double check if u want to keep the data intact or not. Plz choose appropriate option there.



    Ronald Brink
    Free User
    Post count: 40

    Hi Vikas, I’ve tested this several times, and yes I delete the plugin by which I specify that data files should be deleted as well. Again … the GD tables then are deleted from the wordpress database alright, however there is stuff left within the standard wordpress tables. Next time I want to reinstall the GD plugins, I’m quite sure that these leftovers are obstructing the insertion of sample data. I do have no problems with this at this stage as I’m only testing with GD, but I’m sure this will get you into trouble as this is not a proper way to handle plugin deletion/installation. Regards, Ronald Brink


    Ronald Brink
    Free User
    Post count: 40

    Hi Vikas or anyone,
    Can anybody please have a closer look at the sample data problems.
    I have now transferred my site into my hosting provider and once again there are problems with the sample data. The problem now is that the sample data is not found anymore after I transferred the complete wordpress site including the database. When looking at the General settings => Dummy Data everytime I press the button to delete the sample data it keeps coming back with “Yes delete Please”.


    David Ramirez
    Free User
    Post count: 5

    I’m experiencing the same problem as Ronald Brink.

    When looking at the General settings => Dummy Data everytime I press the button to delete the sample data it keeps coming back with “Yes delete Please”.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    Plz put this piece of code in ur theme’s functions.php file.

    add_action('init' , 'geodir_unset_dummy_data') ;
    function geodir_unset_dummy_data()
    	global $wpdb , $plugin_prefix;
    	$wpdb->query('update '. $plugin_prefix .  'gd_place_detail set post_dummy=0 ');

    after this please run any page of the site for once then go to back-end dummy data and see if u find import dummy data option now, if yes then please remove this piece of code from functions.php file before doing anything else.

    Let me know if it works.



    Free User
    Post count: 39

    I have had same problem.
    I entered this code,then I went on one page and I have option imort dummy data.Then I went back and removed code form functions.php
    and now i cant do anything.
    Always this problem occurs :

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/mgelectr/public_html/ on line 54

    Please help


    Free User
    Post count: 39

    Im tried to put code back but same error occurs…
    And now I cant open dashboard, I cant anything when I try to go on my site just error occurs.


    Free User
    Post count: 39

    I solved the problem.
    Thanks anyway.

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