Sort by address / street?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 7 years, 9 months ago.

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    Bruce Hoppe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 37

    Hi — My site lists 80 venues, which are simply local homes named by their street address. I would like to list these venues in a sensible order to help users scan the listings. My first choice would be to list them alphabetically by street name, which I’d hope I could do by choosing to include “Address” in the sort options. But “Address” does not include the ability to include it in the sort options. Is there a workaround for this?

    Alternatively I welcome suggestions for some sorting that would help users who attempt to scan the listing page of venues. Here are the options I see:

    • Random: seems like the best alternative to sorting by street IMO
    • Sort by title: unfortunately this is strictly alphabetical and so we’d get “1 Broadway, 1 Main St, 11 Fairchild Ave, 119 Oak St, 2 Main St,” etc. My users complain that this is not a helpful ordering and I think they have a good point.
    • Phone: Not at all workable–we don’t have this data and it’s silly to sort by
    • Email: silly to sort by, it’s effectively random

    Alternatively, I guess I could create a custom text field “Street” and pseudo-manually update that field with street names from the Address info of each venue. Then I can sort by that custom field “Street”. The downside seems to be maintenance of the “street” field which would tend to fall out of synch with the “Address” info over time.

    Thanks for your help!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    Alternatively, I guess I could create a custom text field “Street” and pseudo-manually update that field with street names from the Address info of each venue. Then I can sort by that custom field “Street”. The downside seems to be maintenance of the “street” field which would tend to fall out of synch with the “Address” info over time.

    This is really the only workaround that I see.


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