Hi guys,
I thought it was about time I threw something back in the pot for anyone that’s interested, regarding the speed of a Geodirectory website.
I think we’ve all been on Google Pasespeed Insights, wondering how to get rid of ‘Leverage Browser Caching’ ‘Minification’ and ‘Eliminate Render Blocking JS and CSS’ warnings, and after not being able to use my trusty Autoptimize how I’d ideally want to, I thought it was about time to find alternatives.
This is what I came up with –
To solve the Leverage Browser Caching issues (yes I know you can do this straight through .htaccess), I used Browser Caching With HTAccess and set up the various times for caching resources, and coupled this up with Cache External Scripts to put a halt to Googles own JS scripts slowing my website down.
Next was the alternative to Autoptimize, and I’d been wanting to try this one out for a few weeks now. Fast Velocity Minify was a little tricky to set up, and I’ve still not got the JS sorted out yet, but it’s just a case of going down the checkboxes one by one to taste.
Finally, I grabbed a copy of Comet Cache (which looks suspiciously similar to the GDBooster software) and just activated GZip and set it running.
At present, my Google Pagespeed is hovering between 90 – 97 on mobile and desktop, so a class act all around – especially as I’ve still got some JS minification to do.
Hope that this helps a few of you out!