Split: copy of geotheme 3.7 – URGENT

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  • #341334

    Post count: 7069

    Hi JJJ,

    I have checked your site. Before we starts conversion, you need to follow steps given below.

    1) You have installed GeoTheme 3.3.0, please install GeoTheme 3.7.1 also update GeoDirectory plugin.
    2) We need FTP, Database details, that can help us to fix problem incase occurs during conversion.
    3) Take full backup (files + database) from your site

    After completing above steps, we can assist you for conversion.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 80

    Hi Kiran (and al.),

    Thank you for your quick reply, and sorry for the late mine.
    I finally found what was the problem.

    Right before your message, I quickly tried to start the conversion process again (going back again to the GT2GD page), just in case it was a matter of hosting time limit or a something else which puts me out of a loop…
    And it WORKS !!! 🙂

    I am currently on a share free hosting. So impossible for the conversion php files to set the max time limits to their preferential values…

    Thank you anyway!


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