Split: Whoop 0.0.2 Final Beta Released

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 20


    I’m using woop from a week or 2, everiting was fine but today i notest a problem. When I’m login as admin or as simple user from that specific device in the frontend is displayed only the header and menu. When i logout the frontend display all the information. The backend is working fine. I switch the theme to geodirectoryframework and is working.
    Can you please give advice regarding this problem?
    As plugins i’m using most of the premium plugins you have.
    Thank you.


    Post count: 29970

    We would need to see your site, so can you post your URL and admin details in a private reply please.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 20

    i found the problem.
    it was with buddypress. i deactivated the extendet profile from buddypress, and it looks that this cause the problem.
    my problem is that i want to make as simple as posible but also secure. if i redirect to buddy press registration they have to many fields for user/visitor to complete, but is secure. if i leave for default gd registration, is simple, but is no security. after they put an email adress and a name they have an account and can post everiting.
    So my question is can i make gd registration a litle more secure, i mean at least with email confirmation?
    Thank you
    waiting sonest reply


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    what about avoid both bp or gd registration and using a 3rd plugin like theme my login that I think provides the email activation for registration.

    You can redirecting the GD sign up page to your page of choice following this doc:




    Expired Member
    Post count: 20

    thank you paolo, i will try your solution.

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