Strange permalink problem

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    Hello, if I add a listing the URL looks like: bedrijven/sfeervol-vakantievilla-in-pecs-1/ I have no idea where that -1 comes from. I installed the latest version and I tried Yoast, but I dont like it and I tried all in one seo, that seems to work ok. But after I added a few listings I noticed the -1. I disabled all in one seo, checked everything but could not find it. I also can not delete the -1 only add something. What can it be?


    Full Member
    Post count: 390

    The slug is already used and WP is adding this “-1”.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Each portion of the URL should be unique, so, if a duplicate is added, then a “-1” or “-1” is added on to differentiate the slugs. You can use BSR to find and replace them if needed:

    If you need help setting up your site, you can find a GD Expert here to help with concierge service:

    GD works alongside Yoast, but we do not currently track any other SEO related plugins or their compatibility. Other SEO plugins may cause unexpected results.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    I know and there is absolute no duplicate but when I add a listing from the back,there is no problem. So somewhere at the front end submission it is going wrong, maybe some setting in gd setting, i dont know. I have restored backuos, from before the problem started, but the problem remains.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Please share the steps to recreate the issue. What I hear you are saying is that a new listing with any given title, a new unique title, is getting a -1. If you can tell us now to create a listing url that has a -1 added then we can find the reason it is happening.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 11
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    I have a other website with GD, no problems at all, and using all in one seo without any problem. Somehow, somewhere there must be a setting wrong and I cant find it. Even before I installed any other plugins then GD the problem started, because I restored a backup with only 5 listings in there and when I add a listing from the frontend, -1 is added, from the backend, no problem


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    I added a listing from the front end without issue and no -1 in the URL.

    Can you tell me exactly how to recreate the issue?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 11
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    It was in the claim settings or/and in the profile setting. I changed some settings in claims and profile. Added in profile first name. It worked. Then I changed the claim settings back to original settings, tested and it worked.Then I got the problem again…. But what did I do every time? I used the titel from the listing also as TAG. I added 4 listings without tags and 1 with tag, different then the titel and it worked, thank god. But I can’t remove the -1 in listings when I change them in a existing listing. I have to delete/change 1 letter/word in the listing. That’s more easy then list them all again. Conclusion: Nothing to do with claim or profile, is was the TAGS that I use, the same as the titel. At least thanks for the quick support and somehow pointing me in the right direction. I hope this will also be at use for anybody else


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Yes! That is it. If you add the title first, and save, then edit again and add a tag with the same text as the title, the tag will get a -1. And vice versa.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 11

    Good we solved it, thanks to you Alex to give some directions 😉

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