
This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  urbanfix 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #37140

    Post count: 273

    Hi Guys,

    we have over a hundred place-owners that opted in for automatic facebookposting on our platform.

    Of course we want to connect them via the buddypress-option that you have made very well.

    To get those posts automatic forwarded we have tried to use buddystream. But… although the connection seems to be working well (we get statistics), no posts are being published.

    They think it has to do something with the integration of WPGEO. What do you think about this in general? Would you recommend another solution for this?

    Thanks a lot!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    we don’t provide support for 3rd party plugins. If StreamBuddy doens’t work, please ask for support to buddystream author and see if he can fix it. Blaming it on our integration seems like a way to avoid taking care of his plugin.

    Our integration plugin was built following Buddypress best practices and I haven’t found any conflict so far with buddypress or any bp plugins.



    Post count: 273

    I get your point Paolo, and that makes sense.

    Do you have any suggestions for what we want? Maybe you have experience with other plugins? It’s no rocket-science what we want, I guess.

    Thanks in advance!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    TO be honest with you, I’m not eve sure I understand what you are trying to do.

    This isn’t very clear:

    we have over a hundred place-owners that opted in for automatic facebookposting on our platform.



    Post count: 273

    Ok, let me try to make it clear.

    Next to your great solution it is also important for us get more content on our platform: for SEO, but also because we think that is good in general.
    Therefore we want to stimulate place-owners to use buddypress-elements: make friends, share info etc.
    To make a start with it and get those profiles filled with basic content we’ve asked every-placeowner during the registration-process (after filling in their Facebook-details) whether they allow us to automatic publish their existing facebook-posts. One hundred people have opted in for this (they said: yes).

    I understand your clear and understandable position and I would answer the same if I was in your position. But as you are very experienced with developing wordpress, and you did a fine integration with buddypress, you might have some idea about what would be a nice solution/plugin if we want to achieve this. Buddystream apparently doesn’t work. Maybe someone of you has a recommendation on something else.

    Clear enough?

    Thanks again!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    Buddystream appears to be the only solution ever built for this.

    I don’t think you’ll ever find anything else. You should probably hire someone to custom build it for you.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 310

    Hi, just discovered this post as i wanted to use this plugin a few months ago too!
    If you mean this plugin I did have this plugin installed and working (posts where sent and imported from twitter), however it caused google maps api conflicts on all/most pages and sometimes made the pages buggy.

    I’m more of a code enthusiast so i couldn’t work out how to solve these issues and had to stop using it! wondering if you got anywhere?

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