Street Number

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gaz36f 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    On the Add Listings page I am using Google Geocoding API for the Address Field.

    The autocomplete works, but it removes the street number.

    For example, if I type:

    99, Jalan Mustapha Al-Bakri

    The autocomplete replaces it with:

    Jalan Mustapha Al-Bakri, Ipoh New Town, Kampung Kuchai

    By removing the street number, the map location is wrong – the longitude/latitude coordinate are a general default for the entire street.

    Is this a Google API problem, or is there a setting I have missed in Geodirectory?

    Thanks, Gary


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    this is a lack of data on Google’s part. They do not have exact GPS for every street number. Weh ave some notes about that at the bottom of this page:

    Are you using the map, to drag the pin and fix the lat lon?

    If that is messing up the address, there is an option to stop dragging the map pin from changing the address on the Location manager tab in the settings. Make sure to click the blue button to see all the settings


    Expired Member
    Post count: 54

    Many thanks Alex.

    I managed to resolve the problem and its root was my fault! Sorry.

    I mistakenly believed that if I only wanted to use Geocoding (in the admin and add listings page), I only needed the second Google API, so I removed the first API code. Obviously I was wrong. I have now added Google API (No.1) and used the snippet code included on the webpage you cited.

    Now it works great! Thanks very much Alex.

    Best wishes, Gary

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