
This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nespainvest 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #34131

    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Hi here I am again.

    I am quit happy with Geo Directory plugin. I am using it in the X Renew theme who I love to work with. I am not a developer and not started with CSS Style yet and the theme is fantastic to work wit, even for a older person with a age of 54 who never build a website before.

    But: I think I am on my limit now and need a CSS course because the difference in the output of the listings pages from the Geo directory virtual pages agains the X theme is realy to big. The output quality of the geo directory listings are so bad, specialy when you see the other pages in your website. The grids are not good alligned, to much or to little padding, headersand text are not good to control, the pictures have no borders, the background is standard white white, when you work wit background color, the background of the widgets are not nice transparant. I think this are all CSS cases and I am happy for the people who able to fix this but I haven´t yet and friday need my website to go live.

    I followed the tips and tricks on your website and copied the geodirectory php pages in the childtheme geodirectory and it helped a bit. Everything on the X and Geo pages have the same colors now but I want that all the pages use the standard quality of my X theme. Is there no good documentation for users (not developers) where you explain how to restyle the CSS with some examples? It will help me and other users a lot. I get a bit nervious because I don´t make the progression that I need. Attached some examples of my work in X and the Geo pages in my Portal site. Thank you guys. PS: take a look at the pictures and you see exactly witch pages coming out of theme and Geo Directory


    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Your system didn´t want to upload more files so I need to do it seperate.



    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Both pictures above are output out of Geodirectory.On the right side in the sife bar you see the upcoming events looking good. This could I do using a shortcode free widget from the wordpress plug in database.

    Don´t you not have a few shortcode who I can dump in to a widget so the output is good?

    The picture below is coming out of my theme


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Nespainvest,

    editing CSS is a universal thing in web development. The standard is identical for every single webpage, no amtter if it’s developed with WordPress, a custom PHP application, straight HTML pages or a .NET application.

    So doing it for GD or any other plugin or theme would be just the same.

    Here you can find a doc explaning how to get started or video if you prefer:

    However this is as much as we can provide, teaching CSS is not part of the support we provide.

    If you need professional help in customizing your website look, I can move your topic in the Jobs section of the forum where you can ask what you want and developers will provide quotes to do the job for you.



    Free User
    Post count: 109

    Thank you Paolo. Good idea. I have done it already.


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