Supreme DIrectory/ Geodriectory Address input

This topic contains 107 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I asked to Stiofan to follow up.

    He’ll let us know asap.



    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Thanks Paolo. I also figured out how to use the captcha. GD business hours still hasn’t gotten back to me for support and I emailed them last weekend. I don’t know if you guys have better connections to them but I may let others know not to bother with that third party plugin because of the lack of support. Thanks and hope to hear from the other guy soon.


    Post count: 188

    Hi Andre:

    I found this message here by chance. I don’t seem to have an email from you. Can you try again?

    Use jeff at jeffrose dot ca for the best result. I’m watching this thread now too.


    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Hi Paolo just to be clear can you let stiofan know that my issue is more so with the following 3

    1) Address shows no results or incorrect results in search
    2) is it possible to have the google auto complete address in search
    3) Titles for listing page are missing.

    *Bonus how to make my homepage function like the link I sent in the 2nd last post. Thanks!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    to create an home like that, you could install beaver builder plugin and try that out, you’ll probably need to tweak the home page css to allow everything full width. Anyway, creating your own custom home page goes beyond support.

    Stiofan is looking into the search issue, he’ll let us know asap.

    Thanks for your patience,


    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Ok. Appreciate that. Thanks again Paolo.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    For the titles we deliberately hide them on listings pages, if you set GD>Design>Search>Show advanced pagination details:: to “before” then it will show the cat name and some numbers which is what we prefer otherwise you can unhide the actual titles with CSS.




    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Hey Stiofan. thaks for getting back to me. The addresses work fine in the demo for some reason. Just tried a buddies address and the one you sent and both landed…so not sure what to do now.


    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Ahh figured out the problem. I was looking to just put in the street and avenue but it looks like it needs the city and province too. Is there a way where people can just enter the street and avenue and still have it spot on or atleast when they start typing in the address it will give them suggestions?? Thanks again for your great support I know you guys do your best to get back to everyone as soon as possible. I greatly appreciate it.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Did u test my last reply?



    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    The google auto-complete there we have talked about but we have a auto complete there if you have advanced search and multilocations (has to be enabled) so you can auto-complete for country/region/city/hood so it would clash. We might do it in the future though. For the surrounding areas, just try adding a listing there and see what city it gets from the map marker move, it’s probably best to stick to that.



    Andre Anderson
    Free User
    Post count: 190

    Oh ok I will try that once I get a chance to. I’ve noticed I don’t see the pinpoint opion anymore either in the listings or am I just not looking properly?

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