Supreme Directory Q's

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #265423

    Post count: 16

    Great theme, but I’m having a few issues.

    1) I want to show CPT’s on the homepage instead of popular categories. I searched around and found this answer:

    “you will need to edit content.php and use the Shortcode: [gd_cpt_listings] instead of the popular category shortcode.” link

    But I don’t think that’s relevant anymore as I can’t find any shortcodes in the content.php, unless I’m reading the instructions incorrectly.

    2) I want to increase the number of results that display when a search is conducted. Currently it appears that the limit is set to 10. I would like that to be larger.

    3) Is there a way to make the business/listing name show up over the parallax image? I tried using the custom field “subtitle” as someone on this forum suggested, but that didn’t seem to do anything. Whatever I type in there doesn’t even show up on the source code for the page.

    Thanks for any assistance that you can give me.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    1) yes that has changed and now everything is done via filters and actions. See this example of how to add something below the search form, the procedure is identical:

    2) Go to settings >> reading and increase the max number of post per page.

    3) The subtitle only works in regular wp pages, not on listings pages. Moving the title over the parralax requires to play with functions in inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php as well. (being a customization, this is beyond support)



    Post count: 16

    Thanks for the help, I’ve got everything fixed now. I was searching the functions.php and content.php files thinking I was going crazy because I couldn’t find any of that code. Turns out, it was all in the inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You are welcome 🙂

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