Tag Keywords

This topic contains 9 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Neil Hall
    Post count: 83


    I’m running GeoDirectory plugin Version 1.6.15,GeoDirectory Custom Post Types Version 1.3.2,GeoDirectory Location Manager Version 1.5.2, and Review Rating Manager 1.3.5 with WP 4.7.1.

    I have set up about 25 CPT’s and some of these have multiple sub-catagoties.

    I have been experimenting by using the Tag Keywords, and have set up 4 posts that all have the same Tag Keyword – Tag1
    Three of these Posts are in ‘Places’ and have different locations – Rotterdam, Aylesbury and Oxford. The 4th post is in ‘Bars’with a location – Rotterdam

    On the listing-detail page Tag1 is listed in the xxxxx Tags: for each of the above and is clickable.

    The problem that I am seeing is that when I click on ‘Tag1’ all it does is display the posts for Tag1 in the specific location that the original post was in.
    urls for each Tag1 is as follows:

    Is this normal? I would expect that if you click on a Tag1 it would then search for all posts that have the Tag1 and display them.

    Is there a way of achieving this?

    I also noticed that if you use the same Tag name in different CPT types the it adds a ‘-1’ to the slug. Is it possible to that when you click on ‘Tag1’ that it returns all posts for the slugs Tag1 and Tag1-1


    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    I also noticed that if you use the same Tag name in different CPT types the it adds a ‘-1’ to the slug. Is it possible to that when you click on ‘Tag1’ that it returns all posts for the slugs Tag1 and Tag1-1

    I am also wondering about this issue as I am using the same tags across to CPTs (places and events).


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    that’s how WordPress (and database in general) works. Slugs must be unique, so if you create 2 identical taxonomies, it must differentiate the 2 slugs. WordPress does it adding a -1 / -2 / -3 to the copies.

    It doesn’t matter if they are not for the same CPT.



    Neil Hall
    Post count: 83

    Hi Paolo

    I understand your explanation with regard to the second part of my question. And to follow on from there, if we do have a tag with the same name (but different slugs) is it possible to have a solution where if a user clicks on a tag that it displays ALL posts for the Tag Name.

    With regard to the first part of my question how and why does it work in this way? I did a brief test on your demo system and it has the same problem:-
    I have been experimenting by using the Tag Keywords, and have set up 4 posts that all have the same Tag Keyword – Tag1
    Three of these Posts are in ‘Places’ and have different locations – Rotterdam, Aylesbury and Oxford. The 4th post is in ‘Bars’with a location – Rotterdam

    On the listing-detail page Tag1 is listed in the xxxxx Tags: for each of the above and is clickable.

    The problem that I am seeing is that when I click on ‘Tag1’ all it does is display the posts for Tag1 in the specific location that the original post was in.
    urls for each Tag1 is as follows:

    Is this normal? I would expect that if you click on a Tag1 it would then search for all posts that have the Tag1 and display them.

    Is there a way of achieving this?

    Best Regards



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That’s not possible. Each tag is a separate archive.



    Neil Hall
    Post count: 83

    Hi Paolo

    Is it possible within a single cpt? For example if I use ‘places’as the example at present, as I explained before, depending on which post I am in it give the following three links (each display the original post it was from.

    But if I type places/tags/tag1/ then it displays all 3 posts together! Which is a start in the right direction.

    So I guess it is possible, how do I remove the part of the url between tags/ and /tag1 / ?

    Best Regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    that’s not possible I’m sorry. The links in a detail page are for the tags archive from the same location.

    I asked to the developers to let us know if they see any possible workaround, but currently I’m sure there is no option to do such thing.

    They will let us know asap.



    Neil Hall
    Post count: 83

    Hi Paolo

    I see the same problem when the Place Category link is clicked, taking places as the example the url is / places/country/region/city/category. My feeling is that it would be a lot more useful and make it easier for the site user if it was just /places/category/ . This way it would take them to the category to see similar posts (Not just those posts in the same city)

    Could you tell me, is the code that does this in the geodirectory_template_actions.php in the geodir_action_details_taxonomies() function (line 1092)

    My php is not that strong but it seems to be something to do with the code about line 1144.

    Am I correct in thinking that this is the area I should be looking at?

    Best Regards


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Neil,

    that would be true only for very very small directories or covering a unique niche. For the majority of directory that wouldn’t be user friendly at all.

    I asked to the developers if such an option can be achieved with hooks, but I can’t promise anything.

    If the modification will require a lot of work, you’ll have to hire a freelance developer to help you out.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    There is currently no way to do this, we could add a filter to allow it to be filtered but you would need to hire someone to write a function to remove the location part.
    Tags are intended to be location specific.



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