Toolset with GD questions

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ursula 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 6

    I love the GD plugin, and all it offers, and am planning to use GD with Toolset Types (data) & Views (logic)– (as well as their Access/user roles plugin)– because that offers complex relationships between CPTs, and between multiple Taxonomies in one CPT, or between multiple CPTs. (I have a lot of complex data that I need to organize and manipulate).

    I’m trying to understand how best to work with the both together, and would like your perspective on the following. (I’m asking the same questions of Toolset to find out responses, from their perspective, as well.)

    My questions:
    1)–GD has the default Places CPT, which Toolset Types recognizes. Does it matter whether I put the Places Taxonomies/Categories (& their Subcategories, and respective Fields/Terms/Values)—which Toolset can manipulate in 1-to-many and many-to-many relationships– into GD, or would it be best to place them into Toolset?
    2)–is it a requirement to use the default Places CPT for GD to function properly, or could I delete that? (I don’t see any need to make a decision to delete Places at this point, just wondering if that’s a possibility to do, for less straddling of data/more optimal organization, between GD and Toolset).
    3)–I plan to use the Toolset Views (logic) to create the 1-to-many, and many-to-many, relationships, and their complex nested queries, between a single CPT’s multiple Taxonomies (& their Fields/Terms/Values), as well as complex queries between multiple CPTs’ Taxonomies (Fields/Terms/Values). Is that compatible with GD?
    4)–If I manipulate a theme with Toolset’s Layouts plugin (which adds wireframing and layout ‘cells’ where one can place templates with Taxonomy or CPT fields/values), is there any issue with compatibility with GD, or GD’s optimized database architecture?
    5)–can I use GD’s “GD Framework” theme with Toolset’s Layout wireframing/cells?
    6)–I read somewhere that you will possibly be discontinuing the less popular GD themes, rather than updating them to v2. Is GD Framework still going to be updated to v2?

    Thank you for all your time & help. As mentioned, I am asking the same questions of Toolset, so I can make sure that what I want to do has the greatest chance of success, without spending a lot of time and money, then finding out that what I want to do–with GD and Toolset together, won’t work.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Most of these questions are related to customization, which is outside of what we can help with in the forum here. Most of what I see below needs testing, and probably ample developer support to examine the interactions between GD and Toolset.

    1)–GD has the default Places CPT, which Toolset Types recognizes. Does it matter whether I put the Places Taxonomies/Categories (& their Subcategories, and respective Fields/Terms/Values)—which Toolset can manipulate in 1-to-many and many-to-many relationships– into GD, or would it be best to place them into Toolset?

    It would not be recommended to alter the included taxonomies or their features, but pointing to taxonomies or values from Toolset should not cause any issues.

    2)–is it a requirement to use the default Places CPT for GD to function properly, or could I delete that? (I don’t see any need to make a decision to delete Places at this point, just wondering if that’s a possibility to do, for less straddling of data/more optimal organization, between GD and Toolset).

    Places cannot be deleted, but, if there are no listings in the “Places CPT” then it will not show up in the search field or other GD pages, and a different CPT with a different name can be used.

    3)–I plan to use the Toolset Views (logic) to create the 1-to-many, and many-to-many, relationships, and their complex nested queries, between a single CPT’s multiple Taxonomies (& their Fields/Terms/Values), as well as complex queries between multiple CPTs’ Taxonomies (Fields/Terms/Values). Is that compatible with GD?

    Unknown, and would need testing.

    4)–If I manipulate a theme with Toolset’s Layouts plugin (which adds wireframing and layout ‘cells’ where one can place templates with Taxonomy or CPT fields/values), is there any issue with compatibility with GD, or GD’s optimized database architecture?

    This would have to be tested and then addressed on a case by case basis.

    5)–can I use GD’s “GD Framework” theme with Toolset’s Layout wireframing/cells?

    This has not been tested, but we look forward to hearing about it.

    6)–I read somewhere that you will possibly be discontinuing the less popular GD themes, rather than updating them to v2. Is GD Framework still going to be updated to v2?

    The focus now is on the plugin, and there are so many improvements in V2 that many of the features of themes can now be accomplished with V2 templates, widgets and shortcodes. In essence we are looking forward to less reliance on theme functions.

    Overall I would recommend keeping your Toolset strategy for relationships to start with a firm foundation as a relationship ‘pointing to’ GD listings so as to avoid the complexity of deeper integration.


    Free User
    Post count: 6

    Thank you for your suggestions and recommendations.
    I’m not totally clear by your statement: “…recommend keeping your Toolset strategy for relationships to start with a firm foundation as a relationship ‘pointing to’ GD listings…”
    Does this mean you recommend keeping all the CPTs and Taxonomies in GD (then doing the relationships with Types, and logic with Views)?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Exactly that, yes.


    Full Member
    Post count: 390

    Hi Ursula,

    I had a project where I setup GD with Toolset. I used GD places for business entries and toolset for products. I used a 1-many relation between places and these products. For the frontend I used toolset views plugin to design the representation (in this case the single product pages and also a grid). I integrated the grid into a GD tab of the business and also a link back from the products (toolset) to the business (GD).
    I had no compatibility issues between the two plugins.
    With this knowledge what would I do today:
    I would choose one of them for my main plugin-set as most of the features can be achived with both sets.
    Both plugins have advantages and also disadvantages. The advantage of toolset is that you can do most things without any code change or you can integrate code snippets to the views. With GD (v1) you have to use hooks for the customization. With GD you are getting a specialized plugin for geo-located directories.
    It depends on what exactly you like to achive. I would not do a too coupled integration as this is always work if updates are coming.

    Your question about taxonomies. What I saw, but never checked, is that you can extend the GD place CPT with a taxonomie of toolset. But this taxonomie will not be known by GD so you have to do all the echo part by your own. I would not do it.



    Free User
    Post count: 6

    Thank you Alex, and thank you Dirk, for all your input and feedback. That really helps to clarify.

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