Top section and right section display even though disabled in Design

This topic contains 31 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Richard Holm 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Post count: 16516

    Hi Richard,

    Sorry, I’m kind of confused right now. Not really sure what you really want. I’d like you to know that if you wish to use BB plugin to build your Website, you need to create an empty page and insert the widgets directly using BB plugin. Try editing this page and you’ll get what I mean. . I hope this clears it up, I’ve temporary switched to our Gd theme for testing purposes and everything seems to work fine. Could you please check on your end?



    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    You’re OK with the GD Home Page – but I need to use a content home page – and when you put the GD Theme, every page gets a GD top section and a GD right widget area…. neither of which I want on any page – go to

    And you’ll see what I mean….

    Click on the Listings link and you see an Add Listing page.

    The link in the menu is actually
    but it is resolving to the link

    The Map link is the only one in the site that looks OK…..

    This was my original question – how to get rid of the frame around all my pages – but when I didn’t hear back yesterday I switched themes to try and get my client calmed down – but then everything else fell apart in GD when I did that….

    If we can get rid of the frame (top and right section) and link to the listings without seeing the add listing page – we should be OK


    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Attaching screen print that shows top section and right sidebar on all pages…
    actual page is forced into the content area….


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi Richard,

    all these are regular pages (none of them is affected by GD design settings) and the only thing I see is the page right sidebar, to avoid showing it you need to select the full width template. I’m not sure which one you think is the top widget area on that pages.

    The add listing page will only resolve to ?listing_type=gd_place or ?listing_type=gd_event or ?listing_type=gd_another_cpt because it needs to know which custom post type is being added.

    Let us know if this helped.



    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    How do I select the full width template… that is probably what I’m missing…
    Since the theme was shaped from another theme, I was never prompted where to set this…
    Probably someplace obvious I missed…


    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Found it on each page….
    I’m assuming that I can set the default somewhere?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    the default template has a sidebar, simply change it when creating any new page.



    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    OK – that was easy – I think all themes I’ve used in the past gave me this option when creating a page… so forgot that feature when we switched…

    The problem I’m having now is that every time I create a new page – I get a large black bar at the top of the page with the WP Site Title and Description.

    I’ve searched all over to find a way to take this away – both in WP and Geo Directory… do you have any ideas? I suspect it is a Geo Directory Framework feature since it also has a footer on every new page with your copyright . see attached screen print of an empty page I created as a test – large black header and footer put on every page.


    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    OK – I found the link In WP for the theme options – I didn’t realize this was separate from the plugin options. I see lots of styling options – but is there a way to just not display the theme’s header? I don’t see an option – so tried a few novice CSS changes and nothing worked.

    I could use the theme’s header – if I could add a few widget areas instead of the long blank space… but I also don’t see a way to do this.

    If there is a way to hide the theme header, I can use this – or it may be easier just to switch back to Headway and build my own header area with widgets.

    BTW – this whole thread started due to a conflict between Beaver Builder and Geo Directory. The guys at Beaver Builder did some research and found that both plugins are using the same WordPress “the_content()” function that is causing conflicts.

    I really liked using the combo of GD and BB – but looks like I’ll dump BB for now on sites where I need GD. Thanks!

    Note from Danny at Beaver Builder:
    “…I’ve spoken to one of my colleagues who has more experience with the GD plugin. He informed me that the problem is likely a conflict as GD uses the WordPress “the_content()” function similar to Beaver Builder and therefore, you won’t be able to use BB on GD pages…”


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    header and footer cannot be hidden via options, if you want I can give you the CSS to do it, but I’m not sure what you would want a website without them…

    .header, .footer {
        display: none;

    Beaver Builder works on regular pages (like the one that you are using), not on listings.



    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Thanks! I’d rather keep the header and be able to put some widgets in the right side – the existing header takes up a lot of real estate and it would be great to put phone number, ad slot and button in that area – but I don’t see how I could do it….

    I was thinking to hide your header and just create one in Beaver Builder – but as you confirm – I couldn’t use that on GD listing pages….

    Is there any way that I can put some widget areas in your standard header?



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    there is a GD header right widget area.



    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Got it…. that should work fine…. Thanks!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    You are welcome 🙂


    Richard Holm
    Expired Member
    Post count: 32

    Hi Guys,
    I finally got everything figured out with Geo Framework/Directory and Beaver Builder… all seems to be playing well together now…
    I just have one layout situation I can’t figure out how to resolve – since it seems to be a browser issue:

    I have my listings page set up as a full width page where I use widgets to display content:

    When I use Safari – the listings page is full width and if I click on any category it is full width.

    However, if I use Chrome – the listings page is full width and if I click on any category – the right sidebar is on the page – so the category listings only take up the left side of the page. In listings I have the right sidebar unchecked.

    Is this just a browser issue – or have I done something on my side that can be corrected?

    Screen prints of same page in Safari and Chrome attached showing the difference in layout:

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