trouble translating certain sections of my site

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Javier Solorzano 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Javier Solorzano
    Expired Member
    Post count: 117

    Here’s what I have:

    Supreme Directory child theme with wordpress version 4.8.3

    wordpress invoicing 2co payment, affiliatewp, payfast, sagepay, stripe
    review rating manager
    payment manager
    location manager
    event manager
    custom posts
    custom google maps
    claim listing
    ajax duplicate
    advance search filters

    Here’s my problem:

    I’m translating my site to spanish and I’ve been doing so successfully by uploading the .mo files found on the geodirectory site for the core and the plugins I have.

    However, please refer to the attached screenshot.

    I don’t know what plugin controls the words you see in the screenshot that are still in English.

    I uploaded the buddypress plugin .mo file in spanish and it translated some words, but looks like links like ” invoices”, “general”, ” profile visibility”, “activity”, ” profile”, ” notifications” are all still in in English. I uploaded other .mo files for most plugins I have and nothing is affecting these.

    Also, I don’t know what controls the language translation for the navigation links at the top ” Activity” and ” Members”. I was able to translate the other links. I imagine those links are also being controlled by the same file that controls those in the profile for the user I pointed out above.

    Please let me know what plugins govern these words and whether or not translations exist for these.

    If they do not, how can we proceed to get these translated?

    Thank you.


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    Javier Solorzano
    Expired Member
    Post count: 117

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