I bought the plug in for 150 and I was having some issues that I am sure are my fault.
1) Two of the plug ins I can’t seem to get to download. The GDF_Child_1.0.0.zip and the GeoDirectory_framework_0.0.4.zip
I seem to get error messages saying that “plug-in could not be installed or no valid plugins were found, plug in not installed.
2) On the front end of my sites, when I try to log in as somebody else to test it, I click on “add listing/places” and sometimes I get the “invalid user” while trying to resister or I get the “Uh Oh! this is somewhat embarrassing message” Was there a order that these plug ins were supposed to be installed in the back end? Or when trying to submit a new user I am getting
Sign Up Now
New user registration disabled.
3) When trying to register, the boxes seem to be crooked I am currently using the theme “Quark”, without doing a bunch of searching..these seems to be one of the only themes that work best so far. Again..I haven’t really looked that hard yet.
Some of my domain names if you want to see what i am talking about are