Upcoming Update & New Features

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tuyentran 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 246

    Maybe I just can’t find this, but is that a anywhere where we can see what updates and new feature that are in the pipeline?

    I know there is a place to suggest new features and vote – but it would be nice to know what is actually coming down the road with updates and new features/products.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    in the requests system, there is a button “In Progress”.

    If you click on it you will find:

    1) shortcodes
    we outsourced this to Jeff Rose and last update sent to us showing excellent progress. Shouldn’t take much longer.

    2) Multisite
    this is done and will be in the next release

    3) Better search features / Better GeoLocation
    to do this we are merging 3 addons. Advance search/GeoLocation/Autocmpleter.
    Stiofan is working on it and it’s 80% done.

    4) Custom Google Maps
    Kiran already finished this. It wasn’t one of the top voted, but we had all the code for it and we liked the idea, so we rushed it.

    Even though nobody requested it, we are also working on GD Booster, because we the incresed number of addons, GD could start giving problem with too many http requests for CSS and scripts. GD Booster will simply concatenate and minify all CSS and JS files loaded by GD and it’s addons reducing the calls from at least 1 css and 1 js per plugin to 1 css and 1 js for all.

    We would like to release all this at the same time. We are really close and we hope to complete everything by the end of next week.



    Full Member
    Post count: 375

    Very impressive!


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 27

    2) Multisite
    this is done and will be in the next release

    AWESOME. Thanks for the work on that!


    Free User
    Post count: 64

    Hi paolo,

    You can use w3 total cache to minify css & scripts, it work very well if use manual minify

    This can save time for you instead code new gd booster

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