Dear Members,
an update is long over due.
As you probably noticed, over 3 weeks have gone since the last core and addons update.
This delay is mainly due to a radical change in our organization.
Vikas is no longer part of the team, as he decided he could no longer dedicate 100% of his time to the project. We wish him good luck for the future…
Unfortunately, he left leaving his to do list full of tasks. 🙁
Stiofan took over as soon as we noticed things were slowing down and all known bugs now should have been cleared.
The demo has been updated with the latest version of the plugin and addons.
We are planning to release everything tomorrow. We already did most tests and Simone and Guust are going over the back end as we speak. I’d kindly ask whoever of you is available, to go over the front end options as much as possible to see if anything went missing and report here so that tomorrow morning Stiofan can fix anything you find immediately.
For the future:
In the past 2 months, we have been working with a team of developers on the phonegap app for GeoTheme. Given that we are finally very pleased with both the code provided, efficiency and respect of schedules, we decided to test them on WordPress development too.
The results have been more than promising, so we decided to offer them to join us, not only for GeoDirectory, taking over Vikas’ responsabilities, but also for GeoTheme. Other than 2 full time dedicated developers, they would also bring in a project manager (for Gt, GD and Apps).
This should give us (Stiofan and Paolo) more time to better coordinate development and support. Especially allow us to plan improvements and design new addons.
The agrerment has been reached and only signatures are missing. We hope tomorrow to officially announce the deal and introduce you to the new members of the team.
Guust and Simone will continue providing moderation and support in the forum, while John will continue integrating themes as per our terms (there are already 3 new child themes and 1 compatibility pack ready to release).
We apologize for this delay, however we are confident that with this new parters, GeoDirectory’s future is brigther than ever.
The Team