Update to WP 4 and GD core causes error on localhost

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I update to WP4
    Then I update GD core and get the following error on the site front-end…

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function geodir_set_is_geodir_page() in C:xampphtdocsmysitenamewp-contentpluginsgeodir_location_managergeodir_location_hooks_actions.php on line 544

    I have admin running on another browser, and have then updated all the other GD plugins. But I still get the error on the front-end.

    Any ideas??

    It is not theme related, also happens with 2012.

    I can’t afford this to happen on the live site.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    It appears GD core plugin had become deactivated. I reactivated it and site is now working again, will check if anything else needs to be reset.

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