Uploaded listings being set as Paid , not Free listings

This topic contains 27 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stiofan O’Connor 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    it seems like there was a php error in that page. Do you have an error log?

    Or can you provide FTP details?

    I’ve updated the listing and now it shows up, but if you have an error log I’ll be able to track down the issue.



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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Hello Paolo,

    I should have posted my last issue in this thread. Users are still able to sign up with full Paid level options under the Free plan. http://vapestores.com/listings/united-states/virginia/alexandria/stratosphere-llc/


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    I have never suggested Wanguard to anyone and I never will. If one of the team here did, please let me know where and I will delete the suggestion.

    In my opinion, using that plugin to protect a website from spam, is like using an H bomb to protect a bicycle from being stolen. Nobody will steal it, but eventually it will blow up with it.

    I never used it and never will.

    As far as free listings with paid listing features being used, there is no way to do it, other than going to paypal and go back to the website without actually paying.

    BUT in that case the listing will be placed in draft.

    Are you finding this listing in draft or published?



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    The listings are not being set to draft, and I would agree that it is possible that may be happening, where they start a site listing as paid plan get to a point and go back set it to free and edit and have all the features available of a paid plan. They are not being set to draft, and are being shown immediately, same as when i first mentioned this issue.

    I have seen wangaurd recommended on various places here on the forum, as well as to me directly. I was using cleantalk before, I was told to use wangaurd instead.

    If you dont like wangaurd what do you recommend. I am sure many people here need a spam signup blocker. In the day it was turned off i received 25 splogger signups.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    That is not possible. Have you tried? If you change price package all fields are emptied and you have to start over.

    We use no plugins to prevent sploggers, a good re-captcha should be more than enough.

    BTW I prefer to clean up 25 sploggers per day than making it hard for my real visitor to register and use the website.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319


    I am not saying that is definitely why it is happening, but it is definitely happening. I have attached a screen shot of visitor path that was used to do this, maybe it will shed some light on this issue.

    Paolo, im not really sure about your point with the anti splogger program. It is not only me that prefers to use them rather than try to decide manually who is and who is not a splogger. Please dont make a big deal about this. It is only a anti splogger plugin. I am sure this is something that many people expect to function properly.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Bob,

    I’m not making a big deal about the antisplog plugin, I’m just saying that personally I’d never suggest anyone to use it.

    Given that Wanguard for my experience, creates all sorts of problems, I tried to disable it and I forgot to re-enable it. I apologize for that.

    But if you ask me, I would never use that plugin.

    For the fake upgrade problem I think I was finally able to track it down.

    I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for allowing to spot this.



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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    new version has a function added that will strip any extra features on listing save.

    Please update core and then update all addons immediately after.




    Lifetime Member
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    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    lol, no probs 🙂

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