User Search

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  • #37231

    David Savill
    Post count: 113

    Hi guys,

    Me finding it very difficult to match up users with listings.

    The main “WordPress User Search” does have a counter for “posts” but these are the WordPress posts not related to Listings.

    I used an extractor to get a basic Excel sheet of users, but it doesn’t extract everything and Im having to add a lot to it, whilst people are still adding themselves.

    I’m sure there has to be a way of searching the entire Listings for a name, rather than going into each and every individual category and searching as this route is painfully taking hours trying to put a database of users together.

    What not helping is that people are registering with say their normal email address, and then when adding their business they’re using their business email address, so people can’t even be matched up this way either if attempting to use the WordPress User Search.

    Any ideas?


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