Using Genesis – category tag in div with breadcrumbs, I'm stuck!

This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  m forbes 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Hi, Hoping that maybe John can help me with this?? On posts, not on pages, I am getting the category (linked “show all posts in Uncategorized”) showing up within the same div tag that the breadcrumbs are in. I have tried to remove post meta tags via functions, Simple Edits plugin and I can not figure out how to get rid of it? When you get a moment might you be able to help me? Will send off URL.

    Thanking you in advance :).


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338
    This reply has been marked as private.

    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    I believe this is a bug in the core plugin, and have submitted a fix for @stiofan to look at.


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Thanks for checking. Looking forward to getting it resolved. There’s always this fine line about spending tons of time trying to figure something out versus just asking :).


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Hi! I thought I would let you know that someone else is watching over my site, the category tag in the breadcrumb div seems to have resolved itself without me doing anything :). I want to question, but will not.

    I see that there is an update for the Genesis Theme Compatibility, I have not updated yet, thanks!


    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    It looks the same to me…
    The good news is that the next version of GeoDirectory has this sorted, so you’ll be ok soon.
    Also, the newest version of Genesis plugin (1.0.3) has support for themes using a 3 column layout 🙂

    ps. I’m thinking of making a version of 1140, but a little wider (similar styling)


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Hummm, I’m not seeing it in Firefox (saw before), Chrome (saw before), Explorer (haven’t looked at the site in Explorer before), iPhone or iPad. Same IPs maybe?? Always something, heh? Thank you for looking.

    Cool on the Genesis plugin update, hopefully will get to this later today. And cool about the GD update too.

    I am liking the 1140 theme, and I tried a few others. The one thing I wish it was is wider, so I say +1 for this :)!!!

    Thanks again for all of your support!


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Hi John,

    Ok, I updated and quickly looked around and yep, the 3 column layout is an improvement :), except, on Listing page for example, the left side bar is quite wide, right sidebar drops to bottom. Looking as css, it is showing the 30% default setting for listing page in backend…

    <aside id=”geodir-sidebar-left” class=”geodir-sidebar-left geodir-listings-sidebar-left” style=”width:30%;

    I have tried and tried to set the listing layout % to 30, 73, 20 (to make left side section narrower. It holds on to the 73% content section change just fine but keeps defaulting back to 30% for left side section every time I go to save. Do I need to override these settings with css? Thought I would ask before I start messing around :). Is this something I should open a new thread about?

    Edited: Just for testing I changed the right side section % to 20 and it holds upon saving, though the page itself does not reflect any changes of layout…



    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    It looks as though you are using the GD left sidebar. It wasn’t designed to do this. The plugin is designed to add the Genesis Secondary sidebar – try adding your widgets to that instead (disable GD left sidebar)


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    You are correct, so I disabled GD left sidebar in both listings and home, added another widget in the Genesis left sidebar, besides the GD search that was already there (showing on non GD pages), and no left sidebar is showing on Listings pages or on location page.

    another thing I just noticed, is that now the breadcrumbs are no longer working on any pages… huh???



    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    Have you made any modifications to the plugin at all?


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Nope, only yesterday when playing around w GD listing layout %s, and then today when I disabled the GD left side in both listings n home settings. Thanks


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Sorry, breadcrumbs are on GD pages, just not genesis pages. I was going to play around with CSS but thought I’d wait until you reply :).


    m forbes
    Expired Member
    Post count: 338

    Ok, I am totally embarrassed! Something about activating plugin??? Can I use the excuse that I was preparing for a hurricane and was distracted :)? Nah, just being plain stupid is more accurate… It’s looking really good John, thanks!

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