Using HTML variable client-side
This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by jakes 10 years ago.
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March 30, 2015 at 8:18 am #35522
I’d like to make use of the HTML variables (as found @ GD > Place Settings > Custom Fields > some Field > HTML variable name) on the client side – i.e. use ‘twitter’ variable to automatically drop in the profile’s Twitter feed.
How would this be possible?
The entire subject of ‘variables’ is a little light in documentation.March 30, 2015 at 3:36 pm #35555Hi, you can output these fields using this variable:
`$postid = $wp_query->post->ID; // retrieve the ID
$twitter= geodir_get_post_meta($postid,’geodir_twitter’,true); `
this is using the html variable name twitter (must append geodir_ before)
March 30, 2015 at 11:08 pm #35636nope – this is well beyond my present limited knowledge.
all I want to to is drop in a custom object – twitter feed based on variable/value associated with record – into the listing/detail page, but before I can do that, I need to understand nuances of plug-in, WP, PHP OOP & misc frameworks.
This is all good & fine for people that are full-time devs, but I’ve not been that for nearly a decade & carefully picked the platform & plugins that’ll allow me to get a functional site up & relatively tweaked without the need to dig too deeply into the code-base, and risk having all my work obliterated at the next update.Please provide some *clear* documentation, concise references/resources & what needs to happen where.
Throughout the forum & what little documentation there is, there is a huge assumption that people seeking help/support are essentially full-time WP devs & know exactly what to do, and to the barrier-to-entry is extremely high.Please help – I’m doing my best to RTFM before posting, but I’m pretty-much lost
March 31, 2015 at 12:09 am #35649Hello, I perfectly understand your feelings, but this is a customization and as a such, it is not a premade and not-geeky solution. Also, most of the customization we suggest are not being lost in next updates because the code will be added in the child theme’s folder (and not in the core of the plugin/template).
Said that, could you be more clear about what you need please? do you want to use the user-inserted tweet username to show tweets?If you need that, there is a widget in themetailors (I developed it some time ago), you can find it here
March 31, 2015 at 12:30 am #35661Hi Jakes,
the plugin does’t provide a twitter feed based on that html variable. It must be custom created and to do so, avarage programming knowledge in the wordpress environment, is required.
Customization goes beyond support, to make sure you know what you should expect in terms of support, please read our policy.
There isn’t documentation that covers exactly what you need to do. In the forum you can find how to add a tab and new content into it, Simone explained how to get the variable needed from the database, but how to use it to add the content you want in your new tab, is totally up to you.
If all this sound too complicated, I suggest to hire a developer to help you out.
We are very happy for how easy we made it to customize our plugin, but we never said, nor we ever thought that it would be possible for anyone without some coding experience.
If that was your expectation, I’m terribly sorry to disappoint you.
March 31, 2015 at 1:07 am #35663I really don’t mind delving into code – I can certainly appreciate your policy & that you cannot cater to the lowest-common-denominator.
What I am concerned about is that there is no simple, clear & concise documentation available, but rather a lots needs to be inferred by scouring multiple threads in the forum. I’m in the process of diving into the WP’s inner-working, but there are portions of the plug-in that’s simply baffling.
I’m presently looking at building a widget to do the job – the one provided with the suite (“GD > Twitter”) actually doesn’t do anything (or is broken): “Your twitter code” does what exactly? (looking at geodirectory_widgets.php doesn’t help either)
Just a little more contextual information for future readers beyond just the bare minimum is all I’m suggesting, but preferably more comprehensive documentation.
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