Using listing in multiple CPT

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  • #238721

    Rick Ouellet
    Expired Member
    Post count: 2

    I purchased and I have been working with GeoDirectory for just over a month now and I may have taken a different approach to creating my site … I’m creating a products and services directory for 4 types of users (ie. Cat 1 Plumbers, Cat 2 Electricians etc ..). Some of the listings only apply to a specific category/group of users while other listings may apply to all categories. I read through several topics in this forum but can’t seem to locate the answer to the following questions:

    1 – how can I link a listing to more than one category (of users) without having to retype the entire content?

    2 – if not all listings have a physical address how can I add them to a category of users that requires an address without creating another category? (i.e. company “A” sell a tool only used by plumbers at their store while company “B” also sells the same tool but only available at their online store? The way I have things set-up now, looks like I cannot have these two vendors set-up under the “Plumber” category. (In General settings, I’ve read up on “Select CPT to disable physical location”)


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