Vendor Cannot Access New Listings & Choosing Multiple Categories

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    I registered as a new user and published a new listing (here):

    Couple of questions…

    1. While I’m still logged in as vendor and inside of My Account Dashboard area, why can’t I see any links to click on my new listing to update or edit it? (please see attached image)

    2. In GD v1 you could choose more than one category…is it the same in v2?

    3. As a Test Vendor, I saw the email that my listing is being reviewed by admin and will get back in touch with me…How can this be configured so that there is no admin approval required to manually publish each listing once the listing has been submitted for publishing by the Test Vendor?

    Thank you,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    1. Link not working. UsersWP profiles are at /profile/ which should give a link to edit listings.
    2. Yes, but pricing packages can limit the number of categories, so, check those package settings.
    3. Each package has a setting for the status of paid listings. You can set them to “Published”. However, the paid status is only engaged once the order is completed. WP Invoicing automatically completes orders for GD items, but WooCommerce does not, so WC orders will need to be marked completed, after which the listing status will be adjust as per the Package Paid Listing Status setting.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Alex your really confusing me now…especially on item #3.

    I need to know how this can be setup to allow PAID LISTINGS to be published automatically without me having to approve or get manually involved in any way shape or form…? Please explain how this is accomplished?

    Thank you,


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    If you are using WC, you will need to check with the plugin authors. We do not provide support for WC.

    To rephrase, WooCommerce does not automatically mark orders complete. However, GD waits for an order to be marked complete before changing the status of the listing to the “Paid Status”.

    You will have to inquire about additional options from WC to change that behavior, or deal with the default requirement to mark orders complete by clicking a button.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    So in v1 it was designed to allow the business listing to be automatically published upon completion of their payment and you’re telling me that in v2 it no longer works that way?


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    Alex, either way I after adding my FREE listing, I CANNOT access it from my user dashboard to edit or change or update it. It’s only accessible to me if I login as admin.

    I need to know why this is happening and how this can be fixed so the business owners can deal with their own listings themselves?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Make sure that you have set your new listing status to published. There is the default setting in
    GD, Settings, General, New Listing Status
    and then the setting in the price package itself, which will override the default setting

    With WP Invoicing, yes, orders are marked complete automatically and the package listing status is set as soon as the order is completed.

    It works the same with WooCOmmerce, except that orders are not marked complete automatically.


    Robert Davenport
    Post count: 609

    It has been set to Publish all along. I set that 2 days ago when I first installed v2.

    With regard to the price packages….please see the attached screenshot and tell where those are found…?


    This is where I am getting confused….do we need WooCommerce or not? What purpose is it serving if so and what will happen if it’s removed? I’ve gotta get past all of this confusion and crashes and get this finished so I can then set this all up on This current setup is just test site for now. I feel like i’m running in circles!

    With WP Invoicing, yes, orders are marked complete automatically and the package listing status is set as soon as the order is completed.

    It works the same with WooCOmmerce, except that orders are not marked complete automatically.

    And with regard to WP Invoicing….is that the paid extension or is that included in the GD Subscription…? And what purpose does it serve?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    WP Invoicing is free: and it has addons

    Please see this doc, I think it answers your questions but let us know if you have more

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