Video Support for Map Listings

This topic contains 17 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  RTRDigital Administrator 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #435279

    Full Member
    Post count: 390

    In WP you can embed videos with echo the link of the video in one content area line. The rest is done by WP.



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    There is not special function, its just a textarea then the_content turns it into a video, then we add some CSS to make it responsive.

    so u prob want something like (where 123 is the post id)




    RTRDigital Administrator
    Free User
    Post count: 9


    Thanks for the help with the remove action function. I was able to successfully complete that part of the project. Unfortunately, I think I’m missing some concept about the filters. I read up on how filters are applied in WordPress, and the apply_filters() function is not listed, but I have a clear understanding of the concept when applied to regular WP. I’m assuming this filter was added through the plugin…

    I assume the filter is applied when geodir_custom_infowindow_html is called, but I was unable to find that function in the plugin. Anyway, if my understanding is correct, the new string $html I would like to add should be placed in the function as the second parameter. My problem is I don’t know how that string was originally constructed so I can replace on the part I need. You said I can use the print_r function to figure it out, but I don’t know what I ‘m supposed to apply it. In a normal situation, I would be placing the function at the end of a code segment to check my work with a browser, but I’m lost when using the Code Snippets plugin to perform this action.


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