Thanks for the help with the remove action function. I was able to successfully complete that part of the project. Unfortunately, I think I’m missing some concept about the filters. I read up on how filters are applied in WordPress, and the apply_filters() function is not listed, but I have a clear understanding of the concept when applied to regular WP. I’m assuming this filter was added through the plugin…
I assume the filter is applied when geodir_custom_infowindow_html is called, but I was unable to find that function in the plugin. Anyway, if my understanding is correct, the new string $html I would like to add should be placed in the function as the second parameter. My problem is I don’t know how that string was originally constructed so I can replace on the part I need. You said I can use the print_r function to figure it out, but I don’t know what I ‘m supposed to apply it. In a normal situation, I would be placing the function at the end of a code segment to check my work with a browser, but I’m lost when using the Code Snippets plugin to perform this action.