WCI Development of GeoDirectory affiliatewp integration customization

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    I am searching for a developer with knowledge of wordpress multisite (WPMU) , MySQL Database admin, AffiliateWP plugin and wpgeodirectory (GD) plugin knowledge, who will be able to help me for following issue:

    Customization of an existing Geodirectory AffiliateWP integration Plugin Addon

    History information:
    We are running a wordpress multisite installation as a business directory. Each sub-sites will act as language specific independent site. To enable directory listings the core plugin of wpgeodirectory is in use. For marketing reason we use the affiliateWP plugin for our affiliates. To enable the usage of the core affiliateWP plugin the developers of wpgeodirectory have created a specific “geodirectory affiliateWP Integration”. But this integration supports NOT the additional “lifetime” and “recurring” addons offered from affiliateWP

    REQUEST: Customization of “Geodirectory AffiliateWP Integration”
    It is now in need to customize the existing “geodirectory affiliateWP Integration” to enable following additional functions:
    – Lifetime Commissions (http://affiliatewp.com/addons/lifetime-commissions/)
    – Recurring Referrals (http://affiliatewp.com/addons/recurring-referrals/)
    – Tired Affiliate Rates (http://affiliatewp.com/addons/tiered-affiliate-rates/)
    The developers of AffiliateWP informed us with following development info: The Tiered Rates addon will not require any changes to the GeoLocation integration. For getting “Lifetime and Recurring” integrated, you will need to hire a custom developer to build the integration for you.
    The developers of WPGeodirectory informed us with following development info: We integrated AffiliateWP, not all its add-ons, nobody ever requested them. The only way to check if any of them is working is to install them and do some tests. We don’t even have the add-ons, so we never really installed them. Yes you probably would have to extend the GD AWP Integration to make them work.

    Please provide me with a price offer for its requested developments. I am looking forward to hear from you. Best regards, Alex

    wpGeodirectory core plugin – https://wpgeodirectory.com
    Corresponding wpGeodirectory AffiliateWP Integration – (https://wpgeodirectory.com/addons/affiliatewp-integration/)
    AffiliateWP core plugin – http://affiliatewp.com/
    Corresponding AffiliateWP Lifetime commission – (http://affiliatewp.com/addons/lifetime-commissions/)
    Corresponding AffiliateWP Recurring Referrals – (http://affiliatewp.com/addons/recurring-referrals/)
    Project Site Url – http://wci.link/wci-homepage

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