Website Down Twice Due to RAM Spikes in Last Month

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  whattodo-vi 10 years ago.

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    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Hello GeoCommunity,

    Twice in the last month, our site has gone down due to sudden spikes in RAM and CPU usage. This is not at all where my expertise lies, so I’m hoping for some guidance here.

    Both instances occurred in the middle of a large file transaction – the first time during the last round of upgrades (a couple/few weeks ago), and the second time yesterday while attempting to duplicate the site in order to test upgrades locally.

    I also tested the updates locally on the last go round (when the site crashed), with no problems. But when I updated on the live site, I got a 503 error.

    The GoDaddy CPanel informed that we needed to increase our resource usage level, so we went up one level. Then yesterday, during the duplication process, the site went down again.

    We are still developing and only have a few hundred listings and virtually no traffic. If all goes well, this is the smallest the site will ever be.

    So my question is…Do we need to just go ahead and pay for a dedicated server? Is there any rule of thumb for the amount of baseline resources we need to handle the Geodirectory platform?

    I have error logs and other reports available if that would be a helpful tool in figuring out how to avoid this in the future – we plan to launch in a month.

    I am happy to provide admin details in a private message if it will help.

    Thanks in advance for the support!


    Note: I accidentally posted this earlier in the General Discussion forum. Please disregard that posting. I also requested that it be deleted or marked resolved in a reply to the original posting.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Ashley,

    as a general rule a decent VPS with at least 1 GB of guaranteed RAM should be more than enough to start any project.

    I’d wait until traffic starts growing esponentially before considering a dedicated server.
    Example, runs on a Digital Ocean 1GB cloud instance managed by cloudways.

    With a server like that you are safe to up to several thousand visits per day and GD will work flawlessly.



    Full Member
    Post count: 187

    Thanks! This helps for now. Resolved.

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