what plugins ?

This topic contains 26 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #63347

    Post count: 29970

    You have not created any custom fields yet ???

    But when you do, they will have a setting like in the image:


    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    I had created custom field under the hotels setting i have now done the same under place setting

    but I want to have showing whatever has been chosen from these options = Dog Friendly,’Live’ Music,Real Ales,Real Fire,Hot Tubs, WIFI

    not the title of the custom field


    Post count: 29970

    Just delete the “frontend title” then, if you don’t want to show it.


    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    is there not away of showing =

    Dog Friendly,’Live’ Music,Real Ales,Real Fire,Hot Tubs, WIFI


    Post count: 29970

    You mean all in a row, separated by commas?
    You should be able to do that with CSS.
    I cannot see any listings that have custom fields added now, so I cannot inspect the code. Give us a URL and we might be able to help with the CSS.


    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    No I mean if when someone adds a place and they tick say hot tubs and wifi is there not a way of showing these on the thumbnail listing ?

    I have added the same a ‘multiset’ custom field to hotels and places with ‘Dog Friendly,’Live’ Music,Real Ales,Real Fire,Hot Tubs, WIFI; added


    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    at the moment is says ‘take your pick’ twice !


    Post count: 29970

    What do you mean with the thumbnail listing?
    On the listings page.
    Like this?

    Where does it say ‘take your pick’ twice?
    On the add-listing form?

    Please review https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-place-settings/#custom
    especially Frontend title and Frontend description

    Please try to be a bit more specific with your explanations, URLs would help too.


    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    You can see it here “pick your list’ will change this to ‘includes’


    Though here is showing real ales & real fires underneath “pick your list’



    Scott Macdonald
    Post count: 286

    I must have created this one http://www.stayscotland.scot/places/glamping/

    Via the add place tab abs added the hot tub & real ales

    Is there a way of adding wifi real ales etc to places already created ?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Yes, but you’ll have to edit the listings one by one, or export them edit the CSV and re-import to edit them with the new custom fields.

    Let us know,



    Post count: 29970

    You have the multi-select custom field set to “required”.
    You have also set a “default value” as “take your pick”.
    If you then add a listing without choosing anything from the multi-select field, the page will show:

    Frontend title: default value

    or in your case therefore:

    Take your pick: take your pick.
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