What's the Best Approach To Update The Directory

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 7 years, 1 month ago.

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    Guy Leroux
    Expired Member
    Post count: 98

    Hey there:

    Before I spend lots of hours, I’d like to know from you guys what’s the best approach to update the GD directory.

    Recently, my wordpress site has become clunky: working but not as it used to. I cleaned most of the issues but I am left with an unclean core program so my strategy is to migrate an older clean version and update it with all the newer stuff: posts, pages etc.

    As for posts and pages, no problem to import the newer ones. As for the GD directory, I’ve probably made 2000 changes and updates to it. It’s quite a big ones being in 3 languages and now totalling 25 000 entries.

    Should I remove everything from the directory and import everything back in? Is that the best approach?

    Thanks in advance for the advice,



    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    We just had a question about backup yesterday, here:

    To do a tuneup, you could create a test site as a clone and then remove everything except the plugins you really need, and proceed from there to do things like clean your DB


    Export and Import should work, for your directory entries, yes. You can try that, and see what moving your media/images to another site might entail. But with a clone, you wouldn’t need to do an import export. Perhaps you could just add in your most recent listings, once your tuneup is complete.

    Tanks for writing in today with your question

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