Where's the Stripe Payment Gatway?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  RAMON COLE 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89


    I’ve been looking through the Membership options, and I’m still none the wiser –

    If I wanted to buy the Stripe Payment Gateway add-on, purely as an add-on without becoming a member, where can I do that?

    All the results in Google just take me to the docs, but not to the actual download.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Ramon,

    To use stripe with GD you would need:
    GD pricing manager (lets you set prices for the packages and features for the packages)
    Invoicing (free, it takes the payments, it has some free gateways but not stripe)
    WPI Stripe Gateway (adds a stripe payment gateway)




    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Gotcha, so I’d need Pricing Manager (which I already knew about) and then Invoicing (another new one that I didn’t know about) and then finally, I’d be able to get Stripe.

    Hard work ducking and diving between all these Geodirectory spin-offs, isn’t it?


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Thanks for the feedback, let me explain things a little below 🙂

    The pricing manager, manages feature and pricing of the packages.
    The invoicing manager creates tax valid invoices for use all over the world, we created this because of all the tax regulations and so all our users can be compliant, it will also be used as the payment system for all our future products and for other peoples products 🙂
    The stripe addon is seperate as the most popular one (paypal) is included free, and we plan to build and maintain many gateways so users only have to install the ones they need and so the invoicing plugin is not bogged down with un-needed code.




    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Sure, no problem.

    It’s just the fact that I need to look through GeoDirectory, and UsersWP, and now Invoicing, to find desired add-ons.

    I’d have thought that there’d at least be a menu link to the websites from Geodirectory.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Good point, i’ll add footer links next week 🙂



    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 89

    Super, that’ll mean I don’t have to ask elementary questions in the GeoDirectory forum.

    Thanks, Stiofan!

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