
This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jamie Hagon 8 years ago.

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    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    I hope I have this question in the right area sorry if I don’t. I live in Canada and would like to allow my visitors to be able to select listing for a specific province to see the listings in that CPT only. I would also like it to show only provinces with listings on the right sidebar. I know I can use maps…. but I have removed the maps as it does not work for my needs. Any way to do this?


    Post count: 29970

    You can add the location switcher in the main menu or a widget:

    Then add a Popular categories or CPT categories widget, filtered by location.

    Visitors always have to drill down location first, and then CPT or categories.

    All this can be combined in the GD search too: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/gd-search/



    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    So there is no way to just place this in a widget? [gd_location_tab_switcher] and it will auto filter by the CPT category its in? I added it and it redirects to the home page. I tried some of the other methods but don’t seem to work either.


    Post count: 29970

    Yes, that shortcode can be placed in a text widget.
    Visitors always have to drill down for the location first, and then choose CPT or categories; not the other way round.
    The location switcher redirects to the “home” page for the location selected.


    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    So basically they have to select their location before going to a cpt they want? How come you can’t be on a page in a cpt and it just refresh the listings on that page? Makes it very hard to get customers to go to a city or province they want if they have to go to the home page and then back to the area they were in previously. Most will just leave the site.


    Post count: 29970

    You can be on a page in a CPT and use the GD search to search for all listings of that CPT in a particular location.

    All this can be combined in the GD search too: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/gd-search/

    But if a visitor chooses to go to a location using the switcher, their choice will be honored and they will go to the location page that then can list all listings in that location.

    Visitors do not have to go back to the homepage, they can just select the province or city using the switcher and they will be taken direct to the startpage for that province or city.

    I hope it is clearer now.


    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    How do I make it so that it goes to the correct cpt after they select a province? So if they choose British Columbia how can I set that page to be a cpt page? I also don’t want to use the search as I have a third party search function that searches the entire site and breaks down the search in groups, such as CPT, blog posts, forum posts, user pages…. So I don’t want to just use your search as its not as functional. I would just use your search in the CPT but the other plugin overrides it.


    Post count: 29970

    That is not possible. If you do not use the search, your visitors have to select the location first and then the CPT, unless you create a list of manual links.


    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    Ok and if I do manual links and there are no listings for that province does it give a 404 error?


    Jamie Hagon
    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 115

    No doesn’t give a 404 so thats a good solution for me.

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