Wishlist /Suggestions

This topic contains 90 replies, has 30 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #837

    Post count: 161

    I think could be a good idea create a “Wishlist” sticky post where users can post features we’d like to see inside GeoDirectory.

    Here are some I´d like:

    • Recent Reviews widget: Display recent reviews from a specific post type. Useful for engage other user post reviews
    • Can set maximum file size allowed for images uploads for user submissions
    • Can set a default icon map instead of be required the Category Icon field inside place categories. Just like “listing no image” user submissions
    • Category Page Map widget: Map for the GD Listing Top Section showing listing only for the current category. Example: http://compravale.com.br/cidade/ipatinga/turismo/museus/

    Post count: 29970

    I’ll add one:

    • Shortcodes: shortcodes for every widget for starters, so you can create your own page easily.
      But it would be even better if you could create shortcodes that filter, for example so you could add a map to a page which only shows only some categories in only one location

    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    Thanks for posting good suggestions, really appreciated.

    I will look into them and will do my best to add them in near future releases.

    Thanks again.


    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 27

    * Great compatibility with Genesis. 😉

    * I’ll add one, which may already be in there, but I couldn’t find the answer. With the GDCore plugin, updates come through the WordPress update mechanism. Allow the add-ons to be updated automatically the same way. (Perhaps it already does this, but if not, auto-updates are extremely nice). I’m about to install the 1.0 add-ons, so whenever the 1.0.1 versions come that will be clear.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 1502

    Here’s one source of ideas and features I wish for GD to have in the near future:


    Coupons, daily deals, rewards, contests, staff management, etc.


    John Allsopp
    Expired Member
    Post count: 399

    GD > Popular Post View
    Have an option to remove excerpt ( i tried putting a 0 in the count for the excerpt but it didn’t work )
    Also options to disable the rating and favourite would be nice.

    At the moment i am removing them all with css display:none; but it would be nice to be able to remove it properly 🙂


    Free User
    Post count: 51

    +1 for shortcodes for every widget so its not required to create new sidebars to use the plugin in addition to the theme functions it’s activated on

    Ability to create own pages and customise content for GD – probably resolved by above or detailed documentation on how to customise the GD plugin files to do this

    Browse All Listings and Show All Listings option

    Use GD without Map Content e.g. replace with slider or Image or user defined content but still see listings information. Can’t see a way to do this

    Show nearby listings/places based on GeoLocation

    GD acts as a plugin and doesn’t “overide” the theme’s functions. Not sure how best to describe this, but at the moment most WP themes I have tried GD on no longer allow use of the actual theme..e.g. menus, existing sidebar widgets. This is the case with all Studiopress Genesis themes – as already mentioned on the forum.

    WP Theme Styling to overide/take priority over the plugin styling. Appreciate this wont be 100% but as far as possible would be great – at the moment WP Theme styling remains for headers, menu’s and footers but any GD listings look the same as the demo. Not sure if there’s some default CSS parameters that could be added to each themes CSS?



    Post count: 29970

    I realise one of GD’s main features is the maps, but some listings might not want to show a psychical address, for example a plumber wants you to know his phone number, town etc, but not his street address.
    There should be a possibility for the street address to be optional somehow. I realise you can just put the marker somewhere in the middle of the town, but then the address field is populated with an incorrect address.
    A problem I can see with my suggestion is that if a few people just add the town as their location (for example the plumber, electrician and carpenter), then the town location might become a bit cluttered. But maybe the marker cluster addon solves that?



    Full Member
    Post count: 1128


    Thanks for posting all these, i am keeping an eye on it.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I would like the map address validation to have the option to specify an area using lat and lon in which listings can be made.

    I believe the current map validation is based on the name of the city, which is a bit limited?

    If this was an option in Multi-Locations only, it would make it a more useful addition to GD core.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    I don’t know what options are available for your forum software, but I wonder if you can enable “New postings since last visit” and “My postings” as easy ways to find messages. At the moment there is quite a bit of jumping about required to see new posts.


    Post count: 29970

    My postings is available from your dashboard.
    Would love to see a link to all postings as well. You can subscribe to each sub forum so you get notified of all new posts, but that’s not quite the same.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 539

    Thanks again Guust, I new I had seen a link to “My Postings” somewhere but couldn’t find it!

    Yeah, it’s taking me ages to see new listings, but I don’t want to read/get an email for all new listings, I can select the ones I’m interested in from the titles and a simple list (like the old site) would suit me best.


    Free User
    Post count: 19


    As a suggestion I’d like to have a date/time picker and a checkbox in the enquiry form.

    If by any chance it’s already possible please let know.



    Free User
    Post count: 23

    +1 To shortcodes. It would also be nice if they were Visual Composer friendly as well.

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