Without "location" written on various places?

This topic contains 17 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    Location( I guess the most important word in Geodirectory) appears translated independently, in my case location = locație, on various places, in admin, on the frontend.

    If I have no problem with the admin part, on the frontend location translated as a single word breaks the meaning of things like location tags, location category and location review( reviews addon) where I have to switch word places to keep the logic.

    I guess it’s not a recommended thing to manually edit the corresponding files. And if I want to do it via .po file, location appears in so many places that I will definetly have big problems, translating it with a blank space and hiding it everywhere.

    Wouldn’t be a decent solution to use for location details page only: “tags”, “caregory” and “leave a review” instead of “location tags”… etc? GD will look cleaner too, and whoever enters a locațion detail page will know those tags belong to that location without location written on the sentence.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    you shouldn’t use the word “Location” for a custom post type. If that’s what you are doing, you will create a lot of confusion, because Location for GeoDirectory is the city where a listing is added, not a listing.



    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    No, you didn’t get me right. Location is there by default. And when I change it with something else let’s say Apples, in “custom post types” edit tab, location is changed with apples ewerywhere wich is a good thing.

    But, I have a problem where the world location( changed with apples for example) is part of a sentence and translating it independently and remaining in the same position as in English would break the correct meaning of the sentence for my language.

    If I have “location tags”( apples tags, whatewer) in english that means the tags of the location. For example, after translating location( or change it there’s no difference) I would have there “locație tags”, and finally “locație etichete”, wich means location of the tags. To have the same as in english in my language I need to have “etichete locație”( tags location).

    Since I could hack some plugin files or you could change something about the translation phrases, to solve my problem( an important one that would confuse my users) I proposed something much simpler that that. A fix that isn’t breaking anything. Remove Location word from both “Location Tags” and “Location Category”. If you add any of them in the sidebar, they are already just “Tags” or “Category” without “Location”.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    You can remove the extra word “location” using the translation flies, the PO files.

    I have changed it and it worked for me.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    I’ve flagged this for Stiofan, he’ll get back to us asap.



    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    Thank you. 🙂


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    Sorry i think my previous comment was not correct, apologies as it gets a bit overwhelming at time, please do the following exactly :
    1- go to Geodirectory folder, Plugins/GeoDirectory/geodirectory_template_actions.php
    2- comment-out line 1186, meaning do this

    //$taxonomies[$post_type . ‘_tags’] = wp_sprintf(‘%s: %l’, geodir_ucwords($listing_label . ‘ ‘ . __(‘Tags’, ‘geodirectory’)), $links, (object)$terms);

    comment out mean just add the 2 forward slashes to disable what this line does.

    3-underneath this line that you commented out “disabled” past the following line


    $taxonomies[$post_type . ‘_tags’] = wp_sprintf(‘%s: %l’, geodir_ucwords(__(‘Tags’, ‘geodirectory’)), $links, (object)$terms);


    this should remove the word location next to tags in any listing page.

    Now repeat this process for the following line to be able to remove it next to category:

    go to line 1241 in the same php file mentioned above and do the following :
    1- comment this line out by adding the // at its beginning so it should look like this


    //$taxonomies[$post_taxonomy] = wp_sprintf(‘%s: %l’, geodir_ucwords($listing_label . ‘ ‘ . __(‘Category’, ‘geodirectory’)), $links, (object)$terms);


    and now add the following line


    $taxonomies[$post_taxonomy] = wp_sprintf(‘%s: %l’, geodir_ucwords(__(‘Category’, ‘geodirectory’)), $links, (object)$terms);


    that should remove the word location next to category 🙂

    that’s it you’re done and everything is awesome. Le me know if you have further problems

    love from Egypt


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    sorry am writing from my iphone and i can see it added a (blockquote) at the beginning of each code, so just ignore that and copy from between the quotes.


    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    Thank you a lot. But I’ll wait for now, a response from the GD team. Only if they won’t solve the problem I will use your fix 🙂


    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    @paolo any news about my problem? It wouldn’t require much from you to get it fixed but I really need it silved.


    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    I have made changes to make those two locations easier to translate, for example tags is now:

    $taxonomies[$post_type . '_tags'] = wp_sprintf(__('%s Tags: %l', 'geodirectory'), geodir_ucwords($listing_label), $links, (object)$terms);

    I have also added a filter incase the changes are not enough to achieve what you want.

    These changes will be in the next release (hopefully tomorrow)




    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    Thank you. The update is here. Problem solved 🙂


    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    What is the added filter if you cold tell me?

    Posted the above reply before testing the update and had some family problems, didn’t updated till now. Right now, after the update, my problem appears not solved at all.

    If I want to translate “location tags” and “location category”, the words still translate independently and I still can’t hide the location word there. And I have “cow milk” in english and in my language I will have “milk cow” not “cow milk” if cow remains in front of the milk after translation.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Hi George,

    I asked to Stiofan to jump in and describe how this is supposed to work. He’s on honeymoon right now, so the answer could take longer than usual.

    Thanks for your patience,


    George Nicolae
    Expired Member
    Post count: 123

    Thank you. There’s no problem if I won’t solve it right now, in that case. At last I know I’ll get the response. 🙂

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