WordFence flags Geodir_payment_manager

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  • #43193

    Expired Member
    Post count: 92

    Please advise about this alert.

    WordFence email and scan results report:

    This file may contain malicious executable code/nfs/c07/h03/mnt/109654/domains/adventurgo.com/html/wp-content/plugins/geodir_payment_manager/geodir_payment_actions.php

    Critical Problems:

    * This file may contain malicious executable code/nfs/c07/h03/mnt/109654/domains/XYZ.com/html/wp-content/plugins/geodir_payment_manager/geodir_payment_actions.phpFilename: wp-content/plugins/geodir_payment_manager/geodir_payment_actions.php

    File type: Not a core, theme or plugin file.
    Issue first detected: 3 mins ago.
    Severity: Critical
    Status New

    This file is a PHP executable file and contains the word ‘eval’ (without quotes) and the word ‘urldecode(‘ (without quotes). The eval() function along with an encoding function like the one mentioned are commonly used by hackers to hide their code. If you know about this file you can choose to ignore it to exclude it from future scans.


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